Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Does Organic Root Stimulator Carrot Oil or Olive Oil products and Ultra Black Hair Conditioner actually work?

Just so you know I have damaged hair and i really want to grow it outASAP I was wondering if these products would help and not mess my hair up!Does Organic Root Stimulator Carrot Oil or Olive Oil products and Ultra Black Hair Conditioner actually work?
i use their carrot oil (great for oiling your scalp), it has great ingredients that aid in healthy hair growth (and it has no mineral oil or petroleum)...when I put braids in my hair I use their olive oil on my ends to moisturize them before i put in the hair and during the time I have the braids in...i use ORS's olive oil replenishing pak as a deep conditionerDoes Organic Root Stimulator Carrot Oil or Olive Oil products and Ultra Black Hair Conditioner actually work?
The best products are Doo Grow and Dr. Miracles.

I use both products and I have notice a great deal of hair growth.

Nothing works overnight and I really started to notice hair growth after two months. I've been using both line of hair products for six months.

I use Doo Gro Anti-Thinning Lotion

Doo Grow Oil

Dr. Miracles Relaxer
I didn't like either. the Carrot oil especially made my hair feel greasy and didn't seem to absorb in my hair well. If i touched my hair the oil would show up on my hands. I personally use pure coconut oil it seems to absorb easier and its slowed any breakage and somewhat thickened my hair

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