Saturday, December 26, 2009

Does america produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?

does America produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?Does america produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?
Yes,,,,,The USA is like 2nd or 3rd in world oil production.Does america produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?
The US does produce someof its own oil but is only 7% self sufficient.

It is the only major country that allows private ownership of oil wells ond the right to access oil from private land.
We produce oil, but not as much as the Saudis, Venezuelans, Canadians, Mexico, Iraq, and other nations. States have independent oil productions, and distribute their oil locally. Also, there are many places in the US, for example Alaska, that has oil, but they are owned privately, like ANWR, and cannot be drilled.
Yes, America produces oil, mostly in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Wyoming.

We just use more of it than we can produce so we depend on imports.
My family owns an oil well here in Texas, so yes we do.
Read T Boone Picken's book ';The first billion is the hardest'; You'll learn a lot about the oil business.

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