Saturday, December 26, 2009
I want to sell our products 100% cotton oil absorbent filter cartridge for oil and gas companies and fertilizo?
Do you have a question? or are you just advertising?
Why won't people that criticize ';big oil'; boycott their products?
Boycott and ride a bike, walk, convert your oil burner to gas or coal. They have a product you use and you continually bich about it. Clinton was equally ';controlled'; by corporations, including the oil companies.Why won't people that criticize ';big oil'; boycott their products?
How do people that commute an hour to work ride a bike to get there?
My next vehicle is either going to be electric OR a hybrid. I have also switched the lights in my home to CFLs. My next home will be solar powered.
Brazil is energy independent. I look foreword to that occurring here.Why won't people that criticize ';big oil'; boycott their products?
large protests are needed, truckers need to unite and shut the roads down, everyone needs to wake up before its too late.
Because it would be too inconvenient.
Boycott CITCO, a Hugo Chavez co.
then who is goin to clean the horse ****, we have to recruit many foreigners, n thats cost a lot, so lets use cycles
Let's go back to the horse. Hey, that will create a new municipal job --- the dookey scooper brigade.
To answer your question;
They don't want to make the sacrifices that they want to impose on others, example Al Gore. Eventually they will look to the federal government to again solve their problems.
one word... WEAK The same people that complain about everything along those lines will be the first to say but it's my right to complain and, I have the right to drive... It's you that has the problem. Like I said those people are weak.
How do people that commute an hour to work ride a bike to get there?
My next vehicle is either going to be electric OR a hybrid. I have also switched the lights in my home to CFLs. My next home will be solar powered.
Brazil is energy independent. I look foreword to that occurring here.Why won't people that criticize ';big oil'; boycott their products?
large protests are needed, truckers need to unite and shut the roads down, everyone needs to wake up before its too late.
Because it would be too inconvenient.
Boycott CITCO, a Hugo Chavez co.
then who is goin to clean the horse ****, we have to recruit many foreigners, n thats cost a lot, so lets use cycles
Let's go back to the horse. Hey, that will create a new municipal job --- the dookey scooper brigade.
To answer your question;
They don't want to make the sacrifices that they want to impose on others, example Al Gore. Eventually they will look to the federal government to again solve their problems.
one word... WEAK The same people that complain about everything along those lines will be the first to say but it's my right to complain and, I have the right to drive... It's you that has the problem. Like I said those people are weak.
What products are made from oil?
I would like to know what common household products are made from the oil that comes over in barrels from Saudi Arabia, Texas, etc.What products are made from oil?
Michael has a good list.
Additions: dyes
all plastics
all manmade fibers except rayon
fuels- gasoline, kerosene, diesel, black oil for ships, oil for cars
your shampoo has a detergent from crude oil- sodium lauryl sulfate
What products are made from oil?
petro chemicals
asphalt on the road
polyester clothing.
paint house
plastic items the bottles you use
tile in the floor of the house
thinner to clean a paint brush
did this help with homework.
Vaseline (petroleum jelly)tvs
Michael has a good list.
Additions: dyes
all plastics
all manmade fibers except rayon
fuels- gasoline, kerosene, diesel, black oil for ships, oil for cars
your shampoo has a detergent from crude oil- sodium lauryl sulfate
What products are made from oil?
petro chemicals
asphalt on the road
polyester clothing.
paint house
plastic items the bottles you use
tile in the floor of the house
thinner to clean a paint brush
did this help with homework.
Vaseline (petroleum jelly)
What is a typical oil product yeild out of a barrel of crude oil?
The typical barrel of crude oil produces about 50% gasoline, about 30% diesel, and about 20% other byproducts.
The byproducts include LPG (liquified petroleum gases) such as propane, butane, and residual fuel oils. Residual fuel oils are are often consumed as asphalt (roads and roofing materials) or for low sulfur fuel oil used in ships and industrial boilers. Often these residuals are thermally cracked (broken down into smaller molecules using heat) to produce more gasoline, diesel, and a final byproduct known as petroleum coke. Petroleum coke is often burnt as a fuel source in cement kilns that convert rock to cement for use in concrete.
Oil varies widely in composition, and prices for a barrel of oil also vary widely depending on the source and composition of the oil. Oil's viscosity is measured by API gravity and heavy oil is often around 25 or less, while light gasoline-like oils are often above 40 or 50 API. Heavier crude contains less of the components needed to make gasoline or diesel (so of course it is less valuable). Sulfur contents of oil make it ';sweet'; (0-0.5%) or ';sour'; (1-10%) and oil refineries remove the sulfur creating the major source of sulfur in the market.
The sulfur is used in compounds such as rubber, cellophane, and rayon, and is used to manufacture sufuric acid. Sulfuric acid is the largest consumed commercial acid in the world, and its principal use is for extracting phosphates used in agricultural fertilizers.
Refineries are often built to refine a specific crude oil ';slate'; and do not have much flexibility to use oil that does not fit their specifications.
See the article on page 10-12:鈥?/a>What is a typical oil product yeild out of a barrel of crude oil?
if you talking about what is in crude oil.............
crude oil is made by decomposing plants and animals
The byproducts include LPG (liquified petroleum gases) such as propane, butane, and residual fuel oils. Residual fuel oils are are often consumed as asphalt (roads and roofing materials) or for low sulfur fuel oil used in ships and industrial boilers. Often these residuals are thermally cracked (broken down into smaller molecules using heat) to produce more gasoline, diesel, and a final byproduct known as petroleum coke. Petroleum coke is often burnt as a fuel source in cement kilns that convert rock to cement for use in concrete.
Oil varies widely in composition, and prices for a barrel of oil also vary widely depending on the source and composition of the oil. Oil's viscosity is measured by API gravity and heavy oil is often around 25 or less, while light gasoline-like oils are often above 40 or 50 API. Heavier crude contains less of the components needed to make gasoline or diesel (so of course it is less valuable). Sulfur contents of oil make it ';sweet'; (0-0.5%) or ';sour'; (1-10%) and oil refineries remove the sulfur creating the major source of sulfur in the market.
The sulfur is used in compounds such as rubber, cellophane, and rayon, and is used to manufacture sufuric acid. Sulfuric acid is the largest consumed commercial acid in the world, and its principal use is for extracting phosphates used in agricultural fertilizers.
Refineries are often built to refine a specific crude oil ';slate'; and do not have much flexibility to use oil that does not fit their specifications.
See the article on page 10-12:鈥?/a>What is a typical oil product yeild out of a barrel of crude oil?
if you talking about what is in crude oil.............
crude oil is made by decomposing plants and animals
Mineral oil in products for textured ethnic hair?
Is this bad to use on my daughter? I notice alot of her products have mineral oil and i have heard this is not healthy for her hair......if this is not healthy can someone suggest something i can purchase in a store that would be good for her hair to oil it...she is almost four years old and she has very curly hair and very frizzy as well...thanksMineral oil in products for textured ethnic hair?
Shea butter, jojoba oil ( kind of hard to find), Olive oil. And you are right, Mineral oil is not good for your daughter's hair. It just attracts dirt and clogs your pores in you scalp.
Also to the poster above, many hair products have mineral oil in it not because it's good, it's because it's cheap.Mineral oil in products for textured ethnic hair?
carrot oil u can buy it at wal-mart , target or a drug store , and depending on the color of her hair olive oil , if her hair is blond or very lit brown the oil will change the color
Mineral oil is not bad for your hair. That's why soo many products include mineral oil in their hair care products. I'm assuming that your daughter is mixed because you said that she has curly/frizzy hair. Oil is good for her hair. If the products that you already use are working, then keep using them.
Shea butter, jojoba oil ( kind of hard to find), Olive oil. And you are right, Mineral oil is not good for your daughter's hair. It just attracts dirt and clogs your pores in you scalp.
Also to the poster above, many hair products have mineral oil in it not because it's good, it's because it's cheap.Mineral oil in products for textured ethnic hair?
carrot oil u can buy it at wal-mart , target or a drug store , and depending on the color of her hair olive oil , if her hair is blond or very lit brown the oil will change the color
Mineral oil is not bad for your hair. That's why soo many products include mineral oil in their hair care products. I'm assuming that your daughter is mixed because you said that she has curly/frizzy hair. Oil is good for her hair. If the products that you already use are working, then keep using them.
As protest to the war lets all stop buying and using oil products. Any up for it?
That would be almost impossible to do. Boycotting oil products would involve more than just boycotting gasoline and other petroleum-based fuels. After all, plastic is made from petroleum, and many of the things that we use and take for granted are made with plastic. For example, many of the foods we buy come in plastic containers. Would you be willing to limit your food options by boycotting those food products, as well?As protest to the war lets all stop buying and using oil products. Any up for it?
No, I'm not willing to give up electricity, transportation and everything plastic. We would have to live like cavemen. But I will not buy gas from Citgo. That money goes directly to the terrorists.As protest to the war lets all stop buying and using oil products. Any up for it?
The troops are there because of oil. If we boycott oil products, how is that supporting the troops??
sure! if you can pick me up in a non-gas vehicle or pay for my new electric car. do you like your answers? Did you get the reaction you'd hoped for? Was it your intent to show Americans as being selfish and self absorbed?
Its great to have principles, as long as you are not inconvenienced.
Good idea
That would free up the oil need for Bush to give to North Korea.
Yesterday he promised Korea that he (America) would give North Korea all the oil they needed to make electricity.
Go big Red Go
Well, since this war isn't about oil, this would be absolutely pointless. All this is going to do is hurt our oil companies. But will in no way change the course of the war.
I'll second that motion!!
how about a color revolution
You know that if it was possible to do this it would be a great idea, it would send a message to everyone that is involved, the president his staff, the middle east. Venezuela, just everyone. It is one of those ideas that looks good on paper, the only trouble is to get enough people to go along with it. We are so reliant on the big oil company's that we will pay over $3 a gallon, then I would say that we could not organize this on a scale that would have impact. People have to heat, need transportation, ect. to survive. I am with you in principle, however I think there are better ways, without hurting our economy. Drive less, make every trip count. Slow down, the speed limit or below. Turn down our thermastat. ect. ect. ect. in other words do our best to conserve as much energy as we can.
YES! Accepting this as an inevitability will point us in the direction of alternate fuel sources!
I cut way back 20 years ago. Glad to see the rest of you are growing enlightened.
As a protest of war.
Give up oil.
Do you have rocks in your head?
Sure, I'll gladly become an unemployed, homeless, street person to protest the war -- NOT!
Don't know about you, but I am not walking or hitchhiking to work. Sorry.
I guess I'll ride on your back to school and to go shopping and pay
bills.... sorry we need a better idea.........
I can go alternative power but as for transportation hybrid sorry
I need a car........
It's not possible. Virtually any product you buy had oil involved. Whether it was the truck that brought your food to the grocery store, the oil you might heat your home with, or the petroleum products that are used to make plastics that you use every day... oil use is unavoidable.
First of all, as someone who is in the Army, the troops would not appreciate you trying to end the war. We want to win this so that we all dont have to come back later to finish it whent he US is attacked again. Showing support for your troops does not mean boycotting the war, it means getting us the funding for what we need to finish the job.
Second, are you aware that the majority fo the value of the US dollar is based on the fact that oil is traded in dollars and therefore there is a worldwide demand for the currency. If everyone stopped buying oil in America it could destroy our economy. Please study some economics before deciding to do things which are going to hurt your country and most importantly you! If you want to rpotest the war than protest it, petition against it, march in the streets whatever, but dont stop me from doing my job and dont cut funding to the military because I am the one out here who doesnt get to shower when the democrats decide to cut funding like they did it Vietnam.
Yes...we should all protest...tell them to shove their oil up their asss. I own a truck and haven't driven it for weeks....I ride my bicycle everywhere.
Curtail your use of oil products for several reasons. The revenue from oil goes into the pockets of those that despise us and helps to fund jihad. Using oil fouls the environment. Conserving on oil puts money in your pocket and allows you to spend it on more important things.
The point is, cut back on your use of oil!
No, I'm not willing to give up electricity, transportation and everything plastic. We would have to live like cavemen. But I will not buy gas from Citgo. That money goes directly to the terrorists.As protest to the war lets all stop buying and using oil products. Any up for it?
The troops are there because of oil. If we boycott oil products, how is that supporting the troops??
sure! if you can pick me up in a non-gas vehicle or pay for my new electric car. do you like your answers? Did you get the reaction you'd hoped for? Was it your intent to show Americans as being selfish and self absorbed?
Its great to have principles, as long as you are not inconvenienced.
Good idea
That would free up the oil need for Bush to give to North Korea.
Yesterday he promised Korea that he (America) would give North Korea all the oil they needed to make electricity.
Go big Red Go
Well, since this war isn't about oil, this would be absolutely pointless. All this is going to do is hurt our oil companies. But will in no way change the course of the war.
I'll second that motion!!
how about a color revolution
You know that if it was possible to do this it would be a great idea, it would send a message to everyone that is involved, the president his staff, the middle east. Venezuela, just everyone. It is one of those ideas that looks good on paper, the only trouble is to get enough people to go along with it. We are so reliant on the big oil company's that we will pay over $3 a gallon, then I would say that we could not organize this on a scale that would have impact. People have to heat, need transportation, ect. to survive. I am with you in principle, however I think there are better ways, without hurting our economy. Drive less, make every trip count. Slow down, the speed limit or below. Turn down our thermastat. ect. ect. ect. in other words do our best to conserve as much energy as we can.
YES! Accepting this as an inevitability will point us in the direction of alternate fuel sources!
I cut way back 20 years ago. Glad to see the rest of you are growing enlightened.
As a protest of war.
Give up oil.
Do you have rocks in your head?
Sure, I'll gladly become an unemployed, homeless, street person to protest the war -- NOT!
Don't know about you, but I am not walking or hitchhiking to work. Sorry.
I guess I'll ride on your back to school and to go shopping and pay
bills.... sorry we need a better idea.........
I can go alternative power but as for transportation hybrid sorry
I need a car........
It's not possible. Virtually any product you buy had oil involved. Whether it was the truck that brought your food to the grocery store, the oil you might heat your home with, or the petroleum products that are used to make plastics that you use every day... oil use is unavoidable.
First of all, as someone who is in the Army, the troops would not appreciate you trying to end the war. We want to win this so that we all dont have to come back later to finish it whent he US is attacked again. Showing support for your troops does not mean boycotting the war, it means getting us the funding for what we need to finish the job.
Second, are you aware that the majority fo the value of the US dollar is based on the fact that oil is traded in dollars and therefore there is a worldwide demand for the currency. If everyone stopped buying oil in America it could destroy our economy. Please study some economics before deciding to do things which are going to hurt your country and most importantly you! If you want to rpotest the war than protest it, petition against it, march in the streets whatever, but dont stop me from doing my job and dont cut funding to the military because I am the one out here who doesnt get to shower when the democrats decide to cut funding like they did it Vietnam.
Yes...we should all protest...tell them to shove their oil up their asss. I own a truck and haven't driven it for weeks....I ride my bicycle everywhere.
Curtail your use of oil products for several reasons. The revenue from oil goes into the pockets of those that despise us and helps to fund jihad. Using oil fouls the environment. Conserving on oil puts money in your pocket and allows you to spend it on more important things.
The point is, cut back on your use of oil!
My face is fine in the morning, but an oil spill by noon? Any products or habbits peoplr swear by?
I wash at night and in the morning. What gives. I use oil free and oil control everything.My face is fine in the morning, but an oil spill by noon? Any products or habbits peoplr swear by?
you might be over doing the oil prevention and causing your skin to overproduce oil by doing that. Try just using your oil control moisturizer after you wash your face. Carry the clean and clear oil absorbing pads w/you too they work greatMy face is fine in the morning, but an oil spill by noon? Any products or habbits peoplr swear by?
keep your hands off it. your fingers are very oily.
the thing that helped dry up my oily skin the best was when I was tanning in a tanning now I take hormones so that alone has taken away all my oily skin %26amp; now I have to mositerize, for the first time in my life %26amp; I rarely break out now
Clean and Clear facewash works excelent, 2 times a day!
you might be over doing the oil prevention and causing your skin to overproduce oil by doing that. Try just using your oil control moisturizer after you wash your face. Carry the clean and clear oil absorbing pads w/you too they work greatMy face is fine in the morning, but an oil spill by noon? Any products or habbits peoplr swear by?
keep your hands off it. your fingers are very oily.
the thing that helped dry up my oily skin the best was when I was tanning in a tanning now I take hormones so that alone has taken away all my oily skin %26amp; now I have to mositerize, for the first time in my life %26amp; I rarely break out now
Clean and Clear facewash works excelent, 2 times a day!
How can i make my baked goods more moist without adding fattening products such as oil or butter?
substitute half of your oil/butter for low fat sour cream... makes amazing brownies ;-)How can i make my baked goods more moist without adding fattening products such as oil or butter?
Applesauce works very well. Use the unsweetened so that it doesn't alter the taste with extra sugar. You'll need to experiment a little to get the consistency that you want.How can i make my baked goods more moist without adding fattening products such as oil or butter?
Applesauce works great, as does yogart.
use skim milk
Use applesauce!
If you're making something like chocolate cake-- add applesauce. It doesn't work with everything (don't try it with bandanna bread), but you can use it in cake instead of vegetable oil and it makes the cake super moist and quite a bit healthier than adding the oil.
What are you planning on making?
Cook at a lower temperature for a longer period of time...bakers secret. :)
Try adding bannanas.
For a batch worth of two loafs of pound cake, I put in 3 large bananas (slightly mixed) and it comes out hella moist! %26gt;:D And really good.
Use fat free milk... it makes them moist without the extra fat.
Great question! Skim milk and less flower!
Eggs and less flour.
Applesauce works very well. Use the unsweetened so that it doesn't alter the taste with extra sugar. You'll need to experiment a little to get the consistency that you want.How can i make my baked goods more moist without adding fattening products such as oil or butter?
Applesauce works great, as does yogart.
use skim milk
Use applesauce!
If you're making something like chocolate cake-- add applesauce. It doesn't work with everything (don't try it with bandanna bread), but you can use it in cake instead of vegetable oil and it makes the cake super moist and quite a bit healthier than adding the oil.
What are you planning on making?
Cook at a lower temperature for a longer period of time...bakers secret. :)
Try adding bannanas.
For a batch worth of two loafs of pound cake, I put in 3 large bananas (slightly mixed) and it comes out hella moist! %26gt;:D And really good.
Use fat free milk... it makes them moist without the extra fat.
Great question! Skim milk and less flower!
Eggs and less flour.
Tea Tree Oil products for acne?
Has anyone tried these and if so did it work? Also, what should I buy to clear my skin up? I get breakouts every few days then once i think they are gone they come right back and sometimes even worse. Right now I'm using clinique face bar and the 7-day scrub but it seems to not be working as well as it use to. ThanksTea Tree Oil products for acne?
Tea Tree Oil in and of itself is fantastic! it will help clear up acne. I have sensitive skin and can't use clinique. I alternate between Olay Total Effects Blemish control and the Neutragena Oil-Free acne wash, Tone with the Clean and clear astringent and moisturize with Biore oil free moisturizer in morning and Olay Regenerist night cream at night. IF they are just breakouts the it could be another product your using. Even a change in hair care products can cause breakouts especially if you have shoulder length hair and wear it down.Tea Tree Oil products for acne?
Tea Tree oil, known as Essential oils or Aromatherapy oils is a great remedy for any skin condition. TT oil is an antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial and very safe. Go to the health food store and buy a dropper bottle of the stuff, it is not very expensive. Put 2 or 3 drops into a dish that has a teaspoon of non scented, pure lotion and mix with finger and apply to skin. Do this 2x a day. This along with a good diet and hygene should do the trick.
I like the tea tree oil line from the body shop it moisturizes and reduces oils on your skin you should try
Tea Tree Oil in and of itself is fantastic! it will help clear up acne. I have sensitive skin and can't use clinique. I alternate between Olay Total Effects Blemish control and the Neutragena Oil-Free acne wash, Tone with the Clean and clear astringent and moisturize with Biore oil free moisturizer in morning and Olay Regenerist night cream at night. IF they are just breakouts the it could be another product your using. Even a change in hair care products can cause breakouts especially if you have shoulder length hair and wear it down.Tea Tree Oil products for acne?
Tea Tree oil, known as Essential oils or Aromatherapy oils is a great remedy for any skin condition. TT oil is an antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial and very safe. Go to the health food store and buy a dropper bottle of the stuff, it is not very expensive. Put 2 or 3 drops into a dish that has a teaspoon of non scented, pure lotion and mix with finger and apply to skin. Do this 2x a day. This along with a good diet and hygene should do the trick.
I like the tea tree oil line from the body shop it moisturizes and reduces oils on your skin you should try it.
What are the products of crude oil?
almost everything you use today is made from oil. virtually everything made of plastic. the nylon in your shirts, the plastic shell of your computer, the insulation on wires, synthetic sponges, gasoline, diesel, home heating oil, and so on....What are the products of crude oil?
A barrel of oil yields these refined products (percent of barrel):
47% gasoline for use in automobiles
23% heating oil and diesel fuel
18% other products, which includes petrochemical feedstock 鈥?products derived from petroleum principally for the manufacturing of chemicals, synthetic rubber and plastics
10% jet fuel
4% propane
3% asphalt
(Percentages equal more than 100 because of an approximately 5% processing gain from refining.)What are the products of crude oil?
Petrol, Diesel,Aviation fuel,lubricants,furnace oil, plastics and polythene materials.Nylon etc.....
motor oil gasoline plastics deisel ppc pvc quite a lot of things
A barrel of oil yields these refined products (percent of barrel):
47% gasoline for use in automobiles
23% heating oil and diesel fuel
18% other products, which includes petrochemical feedstock 鈥?products derived from petroleum principally for the manufacturing of chemicals, synthetic rubber and plastics
10% jet fuel
4% propane
3% asphalt
(Percentages equal more than 100 because of an approximately 5% processing gain from refining.)What are the products of crude oil?
Petrol, Diesel,Aviation fuel,lubricants,furnace oil, plastics and polythene materials.Nylon etc.....
motor oil gasoline plastics deisel ppc pvc quite a lot of things
I need a list of products that contain oil or petroleum?
We find petroleum products in every area of our lives. They are easily recognized in the gasoline we use to fuel our cars and the heating oil we use to warm our homes. Less obvious are the uses of petroleum-based components of plastics, medicines, food items, and a host of other products.
Petroleum products fall into three major categories: fuels such as motor gasoline and distillate fuel oil (diesel fuel); finished nonfuel products such as solvents and lubricating oils; and feedstocks for the petrochemical industry such as naphtha and various refinery gases. Demand is greatest for products in the fuels category, especially motor gasoline.I need a list of products that contain oil or petroleum?
Almost everything
Petroleum products fall into three major categories: fuels such as motor gasoline and distillate fuel oil (diesel fuel); finished nonfuel products such as solvents and lubricating oils; and feedstocks for the petrochemical industry such as naphtha and various refinery gases. Demand is greatest for products in the fuels category, especially motor gasoline.I need a list of products that contain oil or petroleum?
Almost everything
I have oily skin but I hate high potent products that get the oil off yes but dry your skin, so whats better?
astringent or toner?I have oily skin but I hate high potent products that get the oil off yes but dry your skin, so whats better?
use some warmer water with normal soap will do.I have oily skin but I hate high potent products that get the oil off yes but dry your skin, so whats better?
Exfoliate totally TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!Dry coffee (ground) on moist skin, rub in gentle circles 30 seconds and rinse! Beware of messiness lol.
Also try witch hazel as a toner/ facial astringent, cost around 2$ at the pharmacy, apply liberally to your face after washing and allow it to air dry. Witch hazel will normalize your skin and help it self-regulate.
I actually found a natural 100% plant extracts facial oil that slows down your skins oil production, clears up pimples/ acne and dissolves black heads within 4-8 weeks I put all the info on my blog as it's quite detailed:
I also put a full article of how to extract blackheads and steam your skin.
Black heads are basically a hardened oil mixture that was secreted from your pores and oxidized (which makes the outside part black) and since water and oil don't mix, no water based product can ';clean'; your blackheads away, just try say putting certain foundations or makeups on the mirror and if you wipe it with water it smudges all over but put a little baby oil and wipe and tada! it comes off super clean AND dissolves it. So this is basically how this oil works. It's composition is such that the skin accepts it as a healing oil and it does not clog your skin but rather protects it while the plant extracts inside go down into the pores (this absorption is made possible by applying the toner to the skin before applying the oil and then applying the dabs of oil over your moistened face), it then penetrates into the pores.
I put where to the name of the oil and prices in stores versus on eBay as well as how to apply it on my blog:
Also be sure to check out all the links on my blog as they have lots of info!!!
For acne you may want to look on Google for Drying Lotion by Mario Badescu.
Take care and good luck!
i dont use astringents or toners because they dry out my skin too much, but Burt's Bees Peach %26amp; Willowbark Deep Pore Scrub works really well to remove the oil since willowbark is a natural source of salicylic acid. good luck!
use some warmer water with normal soap will do.I have oily skin but I hate high potent products that get the oil off yes but dry your skin, so whats better?
Exfoliate totally TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!Dry coffee (ground) on moist skin, rub in gentle circles 30 seconds and rinse! Beware of messiness lol.
Also try witch hazel as a toner/ facial astringent, cost around 2$ at the pharmacy, apply liberally to your face after washing and allow it to air dry. Witch hazel will normalize your skin and help it self-regulate.
I actually found a natural 100% plant extracts facial oil that slows down your skins oil production, clears up pimples/ acne and dissolves black heads within 4-8 weeks I put all the info on my blog as it's quite detailed:
I also put a full article of how to extract blackheads and steam your skin.
Black heads are basically a hardened oil mixture that was secreted from your pores and oxidized (which makes the outside part black) and since water and oil don't mix, no water based product can ';clean'; your blackheads away, just try say putting certain foundations or makeups on the mirror and if you wipe it with water it smudges all over but put a little baby oil and wipe and tada! it comes off super clean AND dissolves it. So this is basically how this oil works. It's composition is such that the skin accepts it as a healing oil and it does not clog your skin but rather protects it while the plant extracts inside go down into the pores (this absorption is made possible by applying the toner to the skin before applying the oil and then applying the dabs of oil over your moistened face), it then penetrates into the pores.
I put where to the name of the oil and prices in stores versus on eBay as well as how to apply it on my blog:
Also be sure to check out all the links on my blog as they have lots of info!!!
For acne you may want to look on Google for Drying Lotion by Mario Badescu.
Take care and good luck!
i dont use astringents or toners because they dry out my skin too much, but Burt's Bees Peach %26amp; Willowbark Deep Pore Scrub works really well to remove the oil since willowbark is a natural source of salicylic acid. good luck!
Use of lemongrass oil in the production of soap and other washing products?
Yes--you can use any EO in making soap. Generally you should use .5oz per pound of oils you use in your soap. Lemongrass makes a nice blend as well. You might try these:
equal parts lemongrass and patchouli
equal parts lemongrass/geramium/patchouli
equal parts lemongrass/sage/ and orange eo
I've also done a straight lemongrass base with scraps of eucalyptus/mint soap in it that was very popular
equal parts lemongrass and patchouli
equal parts lemongrass/geramium/patchouli
equal parts lemongrass/sage/ and orange eo
I've also done a straight lemongrass base with scraps of eucalyptus/mint soap in it that was very popular
What are the products we can get from crude oil
From one barrel of crude oil containing say 100 litres, how much we get What are the products we can get from crude oil
also as rets product tar (what they put on the streets)What are the products we can get from crude oil
fuel oil, diesel oil , kerosene oil, petrol or gasoline, and petroleum gasestvs
also as rets product tar (what they put on the streets)What are the products we can get from crude oil
fuel oil, diesel oil , kerosene oil, petrol or gasoline, and petroleum gases
Hi i need help with my science homework: What products have oil in them and explain the uses? please answer!?
please answer, it has to be in tomorrow and im really stuck lol
thank you!
xxxxHi i need help with my science homework: What products have oil in them and explain the uses? please answer!?
Oil is used to make plastic and all products that come in a plastic wrapper or leave the shop in a plastic bag are using oil.
Or do you mean like a bicycle has oil on the chain and cogs and the oil is there for lubrication of the moving parts?Hi i need help with my science homework: What products have oil in them and explain the uses? please answer!?
lookup crude oil, its uses are petrol (Cars), butain (Lighters) etc.
Hope this helps xxx
thank you!
xxxxHi i need help with my science homework: What products have oil in them and explain the uses? please answer!?
Oil is used to make plastic and all products that come in a plastic wrapper or leave the shop in a plastic bag are using oil.
Or do you mean like a bicycle has oil on the chain and cogs and the oil is there for lubrication of the moving parts?Hi i need help with my science homework: What products have oil in them and explain the uses? please answer!?
lookup crude oil, its uses are petrol (Cars), butain (Lighters) etc.
Hope this helps xxx
Emu oil or emu oil products?
im looking for emu oil or products in alaska. anchorage to be exact. im doing research but i think i have to buy them online. any stores that might have them? thank you!Emu oil or emu oil products?
Health stores and homeopathic suppliers should have it. Google those words or just type: emu oil.
Health stores and homeopathic suppliers should have it. Google those words or just type: emu oil.
Any at home products you use for getting rid of face oil?
during school, my skin gets really nasty. i need something that i can find at home that will get rid of it, or stop it. i have partially sensitive skin, but i know bleach, lime, lemon and vinegar work. the last 3 dont work as well. also, does 'clean and clear morning burst' work? i might buy it. lastly, those 'oil blotting' sheets dont work for me, it makes everything worse.
please help?
thanks in advance...Any at home products you use for getting rid of face oil?
I don't know any home remedies, but try loreal pure-zone re-greasing moisturiser it's really good at stopping skin from shining and also soothes dry skin, and try a primer, i use a benefit one and its really good.
please help?
thanks in advance...Any at home products you use for getting rid of face oil?
I don't know any home remedies, but try loreal pure-zone re-greasing moisturiser it's really good at stopping skin from shining and also soothes dry skin, and try a primer, i use a benefit one and its really good.
Can you describe how prices of gasoline &other oil products like diesel&heating oil are set by *free markets*?
This is a Q in microeconomics and it relates to understanding how and why we are paying about 3.00$/gallon across America.Can you describe how prices of gasoline %26amp;other oil products like diesel%26amp;heating oil are set by *free markets*?
low supply, increasing demand --%26gt; high price
but im not so sure that a cartel is a functioning ';free market'; since supply can be aritificially controledCan you describe how prices of gasoline %26amp;other oil products like diesel%26amp;heating oil are set by *free markets*?
Supply in demand. The demand goes up and the supply goes down the price goes up.
They cut back production demand goes up as well as prices.
You're kidding, right? Understanding pricing of oil and oil products is way beyond the scope of an undergraduate Econ program. Oil and oil products have two features that set them apart from most other goods: (1) they require substantial (and irreversible) investments into development and refining, and (2) they are storable (i.e., not perishable).
The former means two things: (1) the short-run elasticity of supply depends on capacity utilization (the lower the utilization, the higher the elasticity), and (2) at high capacity utilization, the long-run elasticity of supply is likely to be drastically different from the short-run elasticity.
The latter means that to understand the behavior of oil prices, understanding consumer behavior and producer behavior is not enough; you have to also understand (and explicitly model) speculator behavior (stockpiling during perionds of rising prices and drawing on stockpiles during periods of falling prices).
For a comprehensive treatment of the problem, see Fridrik M. Baldursson, ';Modelling the price of industrial commodities,'; Economic Modelling, Volume 16, Issue 3, 3 August 1999, Pages 331-353.
its all about the laws of supply and demand my little student friend
Tey are not set by the market...
The Oil companies have turned in record PROFITS for the last year.
They don't get that from the market they get that from your pocket.
A ';free market'; means that whoever controls the market is free to do whatever he wants. A true free market would be chaos, which naturally ends in dictatorship, which is what we have if we listen to the preachers glorifying what they pretend is a free market. Status quo, ';whatever is, is right,'; is what these whores are really trying to push by claiming that whoever is on top must have gotten there through fair competition.
Simply put, the price of gasoline is the exact point where consumer demand coincides with supply. In other words, the price of gasoline will never rise above what consumers are willing to pay. If an Oil company has 50 gallons of gasoline, and at a price of $2/gal, 60 gallons are demanded, the company will raise prices. Say they raise it to $3/gal and only 40 gallons are sold. The equilibrium price is therefore somewhere between $2 and $3. That is how price is set, and it is wise to remember that before you complain about ';gouging';. No one is forcing you to purchase that gasoline; you have therefore decided that paying $2.90 for a gallon of gas is better than the alternative- having no gas at all. That is the free market at work.
low supply, increasing demand --%26gt; high price
but im not so sure that a cartel is a functioning ';free market'; since supply can be aritificially controledCan you describe how prices of gasoline %26amp;other oil products like diesel%26amp;heating oil are set by *free markets*?
Supply in demand. The demand goes up and the supply goes down the price goes up.
They cut back production demand goes up as well as prices.
You're kidding, right? Understanding pricing of oil and oil products is way beyond the scope of an undergraduate Econ program. Oil and oil products have two features that set them apart from most other goods: (1) they require substantial (and irreversible) investments into development and refining, and (2) they are storable (i.e., not perishable).
The former means two things: (1) the short-run elasticity of supply depends on capacity utilization (the lower the utilization, the higher the elasticity), and (2) at high capacity utilization, the long-run elasticity of supply is likely to be drastically different from the short-run elasticity.
The latter means that to understand the behavior of oil prices, understanding consumer behavior and producer behavior is not enough; you have to also understand (and explicitly model) speculator behavior (stockpiling during perionds of rising prices and drawing on stockpiles during periods of falling prices).
For a comprehensive treatment of the problem, see Fridrik M. Baldursson, ';Modelling the price of industrial commodities,'; Economic Modelling, Volume 16, Issue 3, 3 August 1999, Pages 331-353.
its all about the laws of supply and demand my little student friend
Tey are not set by the market...
The Oil companies have turned in record PROFITS for the last year.
They don't get that from the market they get that from your pocket.
A ';free market'; means that whoever controls the market is free to do whatever he wants. A true free market would be chaos, which naturally ends in dictatorship, which is what we have if we listen to the preachers glorifying what they pretend is a free market. Status quo, ';whatever is, is right,'; is what these whores are really trying to push by claiming that whoever is on top must have gotten there through fair competition.
Simply put, the price of gasoline is the exact point where consumer demand coincides with supply. In other words, the price of gasoline will never rise above what consumers are willing to pay. If an Oil company has 50 gallons of gasoline, and at a price of $2/gal, 60 gallons are demanded, the company will raise prices. Say they raise it to $3/gal and only 40 gallons are sold. The equilibrium price is therefore somewhere between $2 and $3. That is how price is set, and it is wise to remember that before you complain about ';gouging';. No one is forcing you to purchase that gasoline; you have therefore decided that paying $2.90 for a gallon of gas is better than the alternative- having no gas at all. That is the free market at work.
I want to buy Aubrey Organics hair products, pure grapeseed oil, and pur aloe vera gel, where should i go?
What are the kinds of stores where i could find all these products?I want to buy Aubrey Organics hair products, pure grapeseed oil, and pur aloe vera gel, where should i go?
I鈥檓 an Independent Distributor for the largest growers and manufactures and distributors of Aloe Vera based health and beauty products in the world. I would Love to send you some free samples. Feel free to contact me to find out how to get 40% off retail price. We have a juice with Grape seed Oil in it if you鈥檙e looking to drink it. =DI want to buy Aubrey Organics hair products, pure grapeseed oil, and pur aloe vera gel, where should i go?
i recommand NYALOE.
just vist NYALOE site.
I鈥檓 an Independent Distributor for the largest growers and manufactures and distributors of Aloe Vera based health and beauty products in the world. I would Love to send you some free samples. Feel free to contact me to find out how to get 40% off retail price. We have a juice with Grape seed Oil in it if you鈥檙e looking to drink it. =DI want to buy Aubrey Organics hair products, pure grapeseed oil, and pur aloe vera gel, where should i go?
i recommand NYALOE.
just vist NYALOE site.
How much gasoline and other products can be made from one barrel of crude oil?
If there is a good link that breaks it down, that would be great. How much gasoline and other products can be made from one barrel of crude oil?
check the link below for a breakdowntvs
check the link below for a breakdown
When we run out of oil are we going to still be able to make plastic products or atleast plastic like products?
like do we know a way to produce artificial plastic or somthing like that?When we run out of oil are we going to still be able to make plastic products or atleast plastic like products?
bacterial extracts are being developed to make plastics, still in trial stages, they are more biodegradable so better for the environment like the large companys care about the environment anyway!When we run out of oil are we going to still be able to make plastic products or atleast plastic like products?
We can make artificial oil and plastics, but they are hyper-expensive and cannot be produced in the quantities that we use. Also, of the synthetic plastics, we are limited on the types that we can make. When oil runs out, plastic will become valuable. It will be recycled, and possibly mined from old landfills.
We are not going to run out of oil.
The cost of getting oil out of the ground is high for oil in some locations - so high that it can't be sold for a high enough price to pay for getting it out of the ground.
But, as the relatively cheap oil sources dry up, the price of oil will rise, making the hard-to-get oil worth mining.
So, we will still have plastics, but they will be more expensive than they are now.
We won't run out of oil for a long time buddy.
Seriously, Ky
bacterial extracts are being developed to make plastics, still in trial stages, they are more biodegradable so better for the environment like the large companys care about the environment anyway!When we run out of oil are we going to still be able to make plastic products or atleast plastic like products?
We can make artificial oil and plastics, but they are hyper-expensive and cannot be produced in the quantities that we use. Also, of the synthetic plastics, we are limited on the types that we can make. When oil runs out, plastic will become valuable. It will be recycled, and possibly mined from old landfills.
We are not going to run out of oil.
The cost of getting oil out of the ground is high for oil in some locations - so high that it can't be sold for a high enough price to pay for getting it out of the ground.
But, as the relatively cheap oil sources dry up, the price of oil will rise, making the hard-to-get oil worth mining.
So, we will still have plastics, but they will be more expensive than they are now.
We won't run out of oil for a long time buddy.
Seriously, Ky
Ladies, What do you think about products made by oil of olay?
I love them!!!!Ladies, What do you think about products made by oil of olay?
I used to think that O'lay was for ';old'; people. lol
I'm 19 now and my skin is ';maturing'; and O'lay is a perfect preventative! I use their foaming face wash for sensitive skin afterwards I apply some Ponds cold cream (also something I thought was for older women) and then a clinique toner, and THEN back to O'lay for some ';Complete Moisture Lotions with spf15 for sensitive skin';
The wash and moisture lotion are the only things I've ever found DONT' break me out! And keep my oily/combo skin from drying up or becoming an oil slick. I LOVE OLAY! My skin is gorgeous thanks to them! =)Ladies, What do you think about products made by oil of olay?
I was really surprised by them. I was expecting to be disappointed, but Olay actually worked well. Love the Regenerist Line and the Complete moisturizer)
i love them, i use oil of olay face cream.
i love it. it calms my skin down and makes it look really nice
I used to think that O'lay was for ';old'; people. lol
I'm 19 now and my skin is ';maturing'; and O'lay is a perfect preventative! I use their foaming face wash for sensitive skin afterwards I apply some Ponds cold cream (also something I thought was for older women) and then a clinique toner, and THEN back to O'lay for some ';Complete Moisture Lotions with spf15 for sensitive skin';
The wash and moisture lotion are the only things I've ever found DONT' break me out! And keep my oily/combo skin from drying up or becoming an oil slick. I LOVE OLAY! My skin is gorgeous thanks to them! =)Ladies, What do you think about products made by oil of olay?
I was really surprised by them. I was expecting to be disappointed, but Olay actually worked well. Love the Regenerist Line and the Complete moisturizer)
i love them, i use oil of olay face cream.
i love it. it calms my skin down and makes it look really nice
How can food products claim ';o grams transfat'; and yet list ';hydrogenated vegetable oil'; as an ingredient?
Sometimes if the amount of something is very low, they can claim it contains a ';negligible'; amount of it.How can food products claim ';o grams transfat'; and yet list ';hydrogenated vegetable oil'; as an ingredient?
Because they lie, and the FDA is now an arm of big business due to the Republicans.
Because they lie, and the FDA is now an arm of big business due to the Republicans.
What type of products are used motor oil recycled into?
or what happens to the used motor oil when people recycle itWhat type of products are used motor oil recycled into?
Its recycled into grease, transmission fluid, its used as an additive in plastics, and it can also be found in some topical ointments for infections
As the others said it is sometimes used in waste oil furnaces to heat shopsWhat type of products are used motor oil recycled into?
New motor oil and plastics!
anymore it is burnt in used oil heating furnaces that heat garages and homes, I know a fellow who has one and buys used oil for 50 cents a gallon.
It's used to heat the garages that mechanics work in.
It's too dirty to be used for anything else.
Its recycled into grease, transmission fluid, its used as an additive in plastics, and it can also be found in some topical ointments for infections
As the others said it is sometimes used in waste oil furnaces to heat shopsWhat type of products are used motor oil recycled into?
New motor oil and plastics!
anymore it is burnt in used oil heating furnaces that heat garages and homes, I know a fellow who has one and buys used oil for 50 cents a gallon.
It's used to heat the garages that mechanics work in.
It's too dirty to be used for anything else.
Why do products containing TEA TREE OIL make eyes produce so much tears?
I recently started using some products containing tea tree oil and a little while after I apply them, my eyes start watering and burning. I was wondering why this happens and if I should be concerned. THANK YOUWhy do products containing TEA TREE OIL make eyes produce so much tears?
A small number of people experience allergic contact dermatitis as a reaction to dermal contact with tea tree oil. In an Italian study of 725 consecutive patients, patients were patch tested with undiluted, 1percent and 0.1percent Tea Tree Oil. For undiluted tea tree oil, nearly 6percent of the patients observed positive reactions of skin irritation. Only 1 of 725 patients observed a positive reaction of skin irritation with the 1percent dilution. None of the 725 patients observed adverse reactions with the 0.1percent dilution. Allergic reactions may be due to the various oxidation products that are formed by exposure of the oil to light and/or air
A small number of people experience allergic contact dermatitis as a reaction to dermal contact with tea tree oil. In an Italian study of 725 consecutive patients, patients were patch tested with undiluted, 1percent and 0.1percent Tea Tree Oil. For undiluted tea tree oil, nearly 6percent of the patients observed positive reactions of skin irritation. Only 1 of 725 patients observed a positive reaction of skin irritation with the 1percent dilution. None of the 725 patients observed adverse reactions with the 0.1percent dilution. Allergic reactions may be due to the various oxidation products that are formed by exposure of the oil to light and/or air
Which one works the best Doo Gro, Dr. Miracle, or the Olive Oil root stimulator products?
Thanks for all answer. I just wanna get an idea of which product would be the best thanks.Which one works the best Doo Gro, Dr. Miracle, or the Olive Oil root stimulator products?
Most of the commercially available hair care products today use harmful, potentially carcinogenic ingredients. In the interest of good napptural health, I list below, what are in my opinion, the 10 worst commonly found product ingredients thngs you can put on your hair (and body). Check the list of ingredients on your hair products. The more of a particular ingredient you have in a product, the closer it is to the top of the list of ingredients on the bottle:
So the easy answer is the Dr. Miracle. But its not enough to know that its the best you need to know why.
So many companies manufacture ';crap'; that supposed to be for curly textures/eythnic hair but it really isn't. No matter how much a product may cost. Please do your research. Remember products list their ingredients in order, and none of this crap should be at the top of the list.
1. ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL: This is a solvent and denaturant (poisonous substance that changes another substances natural qualities). Isopropyl alcohol is found in hair color rinses, body rubs, hand lotions, after-shave lotions, fragrances and many other cosmetics. This petroleum-derived substance is also used in antifreeze and as a solvent in shellac. Napptural hair reacts very badly to isoalcohol and this ingredient should be avoided at ALL costs. It will dry your hair out and break it off. According to A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, inhalation or ingestion of the vapor may cause headaches, flushing, dizziness, mental depression, nausea, vomiting, narcosis and even coma.
2. MINERAL OIL %26amp; PETROLATUM: The best baby oil is made from almonds. But the oil which being sold as baby oil is 100% mineral oil. Mineral oil is a derivative of crude oil (petroleum) that is used industrially as a cutting fluid and lubricating oil. This commonly used petroleum ingredient coats the skin and hair just like plastic wrap . The skin's natural barrier is disrupted as this plastic coating inhibits its ability to breathe and absorb the Natural Moisture Factor (moisture and nutrition). The skin's ability to release toxins and wastes is impossible through this ';plastic wrap,'; which can promote acne and other disorders. It further hinders normal skin respiration/transpiration by keeping oxygen out. This process slows down skin function and normal cell development causing the skin to prematurely age. Holding in large a mounts of moisture in the skin can ';flood'; the biology and may result in immature, unhealthy, sensitive skin that dries out easily. Petrolatum - A petroleum-based grease that is used industrially as a grease component. Petrolatum exhibits many of the same potentially harmful properties as mineral oil.
Honestly, this stuff belongs in your engine, not on your hair. Regardless of ';Well, my Grandma used vaseline on her hair and it grew '; , the bottom line is this stuff is bad. It was bad for Grandma and it is bad for you. Period.
3. PEG: This is an abbreviation for polyethylene glycol that is used in making cleansers to dissolve oil and grease as well as thicken products. Because of their effectiveness, PEG's are often used in caustic spray on oven cleaners and yet are found in many personal care products. PEG's contribute to stripping the Natural Moisture Factor, leaving the immune system vulnerable. They are also potentially carcinogenic.
4. PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PG): As a ';surfactant'; or wetting agent and solvent, this ingredient is actually the active component in antifreeze. There is no difference between the PG used in industry and the PG used in personal care products. It is used in industry to break down protein and cellular structure (what the skin is made of) yet is found in most forms of make-up, hair products, lotions, after-shave, deodorants, mouthwashes and toothpaste. It is also used in food processing. Because of its ability to quickly penetrate the skin, the EPA requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles when working with this toxic substance. The Material Safety Data Sheets warn against skin contact, as PG has systemic consequences such as brain, liver and kidney abnormalities. Consumers are not protected nor is there a warning label on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than that in most industrial applications.
5. SODIUM LAURYL SUFATE (SLS) %26amp; SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE (SLES): SLS is used in testing labs as the standard ingredient to irritate skin. Used as detergents and surfactants, these closely related compounds are found in car wash soaps, garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers. Yet both SLS and SLES are used more widely as one of the major ingredients in cosmetics, toothpaste, hair conditioner and aWhich one works the best Doo Gro, Dr. Miracle, or the Olive Oil root stimulator products?
Ummm, well I use Olive OIl root stimulator products.
actually kera care, aphogee, chi are much better products. You get what you pay for...
Most of the commercially available hair care products today use harmful, potentially carcinogenic ingredients. In the interest of good napptural health, I list below, what are in my opinion, the 10 worst commonly found product ingredients thngs you can put on your hair (and body). Check the list of ingredients on your hair products. The more of a particular ingredient you have in a product, the closer it is to the top of the list of ingredients on the bottle:
So the easy answer is the Dr. Miracle. But its not enough to know that its the best you need to know why.
So many companies manufacture ';crap'; that supposed to be for curly textures/eythnic hair but it really isn't. No matter how much a product may cost. Please do your research. Remember products list their ingredients in order, and none of this crap should be at the top of the list.
1. ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL: This is a solvent and denaturant (poisonous substance that changes another substances natural qualities). Isopropyl alcohol is found in hair color rinses, body rubs, hand lotions, after-shave lotions, fragrances and many other cosmetics. This petroleum-derived substance is also used in antifreeze and as a solvent in shellac. Napptural hair reacts very badly to isoalcohol and this ingredient should be avoided at ALL costs. It will dry your hair out and break it off. According to A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, inhalation or ingestion of the vapor may cause headaches, flushing, dizziness, mental depression, nausea, vomiting, narcosis and even coma.
2. MINERAL OIL %26amp; PETROLATUM: The best baby oil is made from almonds. But the oil which being sold as baby oil is 100% mineral oil. Mineral oil is a derivative of crude oil (petroleum) that is used industrially as a cutting fluid and lubricating oil. This commonly used petroleum ingredient coats the skin and hair just like plastic wrap . The skin's natural barrier is disrupted as this plastic coating inhibits its ability to breathe and absorb the Natural Moisture Factor (moisture and nutrition). The skin's ability to release toxins and wastes is impossible through this ';plastic wrap,'; which can promote acne and other disorders. It further hinders normal skin respiration/transpiration by keeping oxygen out. This process slows down skin function and normal cell development causing the skin to prematurely age. Holding in large a mounts of moisture in the skin can ';flood'; the biology and may result in immature, unhealthy, sensitive skin that dries out easily. Petrolatum - A petroleum-based grease that is used industrially as a grease component. Petrolatum exhibits many of the same potentially harmful properties as mineral oil.
Honestly, this stuff belongs in your engine, not on your hair. Regardless of ';Well, my Grandma used vaseline on her hair and it grew '; , the bottom line is this stuff is bad. It was bad for Grandma and it is bad for you. Period.
3. PEG: This is an abbreviation for polyethylene glycol that is used in making cleansers to dissolve oil and grease as well as thicken products. Because of their effectiveness, PEG's are often used in caustic spray on oven cleaners and yet are found in many personal care products. PEG's contribute to stripping the Natural Moisture Factor, leaving the immune system vulnerable. They are also potentially carcinogenic.
4. PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PG): As a ';surfactant'; or wetting agent and solvent, this ingredient is actually the active component in antifreeze. There is no difference between the PG used in industry and the PG used in personal care products. It is used in industry to break down protein and cellular structure (what the skin is made of) yet is found in most forms of make-up, hair products, lotions, after-shave, deodorants, mouthwashes and toothpaste. It is also used in food processing. Because of its ability to quickly penetrate the skin, the EPA requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles when working with this toxic substance. The Material Safety Data Sheets warn against skin contact, as PG has systemic consequences such as brain, liver and kidney abnormalities. Consumers are not protected nor is there a warning label on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than that in most industrial applications.
5. SODIUM LAURYL SUFATE (SLS) %26amp; SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE (SLES): SLS is used in testing labs as the standard ingredient to irritate skin. Used as detergents and surfactants, these closely related compounds are found in car wash soaps, garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers. Yet both SLS and SLES are used more widely as one of the major ingredients in cosmetics, toothpaste, hair conditioner and aWhich one works the best Doo Gro, Dr. Miracle, or the Olive Oil root stimulator products?
Ummm, well I use Olive OIl root stimulator products.
actually kera care, aphogee, chi are much better products. You get what you pay for...
Miracle Gro.
Does america produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?
does America produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?Does america produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?
Yes,,,,,The USA is like 2nd or 3rd in world oil production.Does america produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?
The US does produce someof its own oil but is only 7% self sufficient.
It is the only major country that allows private ownership of oil wells ond the right to access oil from private land.
We produce oil, but not as much as the Saudis, Venezuelans, Canadians, Mexico, Iraq, and other nations. States have independent oil productions, and distribute their oil locally. Also, there are many places in the US, for example Alaska, that has oil, but they are owned privately, like ANWR, and cannot be drilled.
Yes, America produces oil, mostly in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Wyoming.
We just use more of it than we can produce so we depend on imports.
My family owns an oil well here in Texas, so yes we do.
Read T Boone Picken's book ';The first billion is the hardest'; You'll learn a lot about the oil business.
Yes,,,,,The USA is like 2nd or 3rd in world oil production.Does america produce its own oil? or are similar products produced domestically?
The US does produce someof its own oil but is only 7% self sufficient.
It is the only major country that allows private ownership of oil wells ond the right to access oil from private land.
We produce oil, but not as much as the Saudis, Venezuelans, Canadians, Mexico, Iraq, and other nations. States have independent oil productions, and distribute their oil locally. Also, there are many places in the US, for example Alaska, that has oil, but they are owned privately, like ANWR, and cannot be drilled.
Yes, America produces oil, mostly in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Wyoming.
We just use more of it than we can produce so we depend on imports.
My family owns an oil well here in Texas, so yes we do.
Read T Boone Picken's book ';The first billion is the hardest'; You'll learn a lot about the oil business.
Will mineral oil darken my Bamboo kitchen products?
I have some Bamboo kitchen products that are from a brand called Lipper. The items have a very nice ';honey'; color to them, but on some spots... I notice it is turning grayish. So I think I need to apply some mineral oil to those spots. Will mineral oil darken the Bamboo? If so, what could I use to prevent darkening the Bamboo yet maintaining it?Will mineral oil darken my Bamboo kitchen products?
Try the mineral oil on a very small spot that is un-noticeable. (The bottom?) and let it sit a few hours and the check on the color situation. If it doesn't change your good to use the mineral oil.Will mineral oil darken my Bamboo kitchen products?
i don't think so it depends on what type of finish they have on them
Try the mineral oil on a very small spot that is un-noticeable. (The bottom?) and let it sit a few hours and the check on the color situation. If it doesn't change your good to use the mineral oil.Will mineral oil darken my Bamboo kitchen products?
i don't think so it depends on what type of finish they have on them
Can you paint a fire door with oil base products!!!?
Personally I like to use a red crayon for a door when I'm drawing things like my mum's house.Can you paint a fire door with oil base products!!!?
the fire resistant matierials like steel for example are inside the door so so painting it will make no differenceCan you paint a fire door with oil base products!!!?
Is the door on fire??????
It is absolutely fine to paint a fire door with oil based paints. In fact it is the preferred paint for metal doors. Just DO NOT PAINT OVER THE LABEL. This is a code violation.
Yes.....notice the ocupation
yes the purpose of fire doors is to prevent or slow the spread of fire , many fire doors are actually made from wood so the fact that it itself may burn makes no difference , besides it would take a laboratory test to determine what kind of paint you had used who's gonna pay for that !
Use water based products,but some of mine have been painted with oil based,and have passed the inspection test from the council.
Signed Site Agent
You can paint a fire door with any paint you like. But if you are talking about a ';Fire Rated'; door, again the paint you use won't affect the doors fire rating, but drilling holes in it to mount any signage, or security peep holes will.
As long as you don't do anything to compromise the doors surface (paint won't) you'll be OK.
I'll dito that with the paint any normal suitable paint will do, the fire isn't a factor.
If you want to worry about fire factors then you must ensure that the door to the outside world cannot be locked from the inside with a lock that requires a key to also unlock it from the inside. The inside mechanism should be operable without the key.
he majority of fire check are wood can paint them with whatever you want .no laws against it
I think you'll have to since a fire door is metal, right? Otherwise it would flake off.
the fire resistant matierials like steel for example are inside the door so so painting it will make no differenceCan you paint a fire door with oil base products!!!?
Is the door on fire??????
It is absolutely fine to paint a fire door with oil based paints. In fact it is the preferred paint for metal doors. Just DO NOT PAINT OVER THE LABEL. This is a code violation.
Yes.....notice the ocupation
yes the purpose of fire doors is to prevent or slow the spread of fire , many fire doors are actually made from wood so the fact that it itself may burn makes no difference , besides it would take a laboratory test to determine what kind of paint you had used who's gonna pay for that !
Use water based products,but some of mine have been painted with oil based,and have passed the inspection test from the council.
Signed Site Agent
You can paint a fire door with any paint you like. But if you are talking about a ';Fire Rated'; door, again the paint you use won't affect the doors fire rating, but drilling holes in it to mount any signage, or security peep holes will.
As long as you don't do anything to compromise the doors surface (paint won't) you'll be OK.
I'll dito that with the paint any normal suitable paint will do, the fire isn't a factor.
If you want to worry about fire factors then you must ensure that the door to the outside world cannot be locked from the inside with a lock that requires a key to also unlock it from the inside. The inside mechanism should be operable without the key.
he majority of fire check are wood can paint them with whatever you want .no laws against it
I think you'll have to since a fire door is metal, right? Otherwise it would flake off.
I just bought the wild growth hair oil and wild growth moisturizer products will it really make my hair softer?
I am african american with 4a natural hair type is wild growth safe to use on my hair and what will happen if i was to stop using the products?
thanxI just bought the wild growth hair oil and wild growth moisturizer products will it really make my hair softer?
I haven't tried it myself but do tell me how it goes and if it works for you.
Subscribe to my youtube channel about hair and beauty just bought the wild growth hair oil and wild growth moisturizer products will it really make my hair softer?
i have tried Mira hair oil and it worked for me, what i like about it is that it combines lots of herbs that not only promte hair growth but stop all hair problems. try yours and if unhappy use Mira
Externally get good hair oil like Mira hair oil
It will promote faster hair growth
Read more at鈥?/a>
Yeah, its safe to use, but to growth oil didn't do much for me and it smelled kind of unappealing. Nothing will happen if you stop using it.鈥?/a>
You might want to check out this site, they have tons of info on getting black hair healthy and growing.
try hair oil; it really works! put it on at nite before bed and wake up and shampoo it off. usually coconut hair oil works the best but try others to suit ur hair
The only thing you have left to do is find out for your self.
thanxI just bought the wild growth hair oil and wild growth moisturizer products will it really make my hair softer?
I haven't tried it myself but do tell me how it goes and if it works for you.
Subscribe to my youtube channel about hair and beauty just bought the wild growth hair oil and wild growth moisturizer products will it really make my hair softer?
i have tried Mira hair oil and it worked for me, what i like about it is that it combines lots of herbs that not only promte hair growth but stop all hair problems. try yours and if unhappy use Mira
Externally get good hair oil like Mira hair oil
It will promote faster hair growth
Read more at鈥?/a>
Yeah, its safe to use, but to growth oil didn't do much for me and it smelled kind of unappealing. Nothing will happen if you stop using it.鈥?/a>
You might want to check out this site, they have tons of info on getting black hair healthy and growing.
try hair oil; it really works! put it on at nite before bed and wake up and shampoo it off. usually coconut hair oil works the best but try others to suit ur hair
The only thing you have left to do is find out for your self.
Has anyone used oil of olay products? If so, are they as good as they claim?
I used their products for a long time, and really saw no great results. OOO doesn't have enough of the active ingredients in them to do what they claim they are supposed to do. I switched to Intuit Beauty products and WOW! They actually have enough of the active ingredients in the to do what they are claiming to do. check them out
www.intuitbeauty.comHas anyone used oil of olay products? If so, are they as good as they claim?
love them thats all i use. i use the dialy face whipes to get rid of my make up and clean my face and i use their moisturizer with sunscreen
www.intuitbeauty.comHas anyone used oil of olay products? If so, are they as good as they claim?
love them thats all i use. i use the dialy face whipes to get rid of my make up and clean my face and i use their moisturizer with sunscreen
If mineral oil is so bad for your hair then why do some of the best salon hair products contain it?
I see this a lot in African American hair products, even some that salons use. And I heard that even shampooing the hair won't even take out this ingredient, is this true?If mineral oil is so bad for your hair then why do some of the best salon hair products contain it?
Alot of products contain it because it makes the hair shiny making you believe that it is moisturized and shiny. I heard on the internet that mineral oil is also used in car oil, but dont believe me, i dont if thats true or not. just something i heard. didnt u ask that question about using a little bit of a product? yeah i answered it. anyways, mineral oil retards hair growth because it clogs hair follicles, just like petroleum does. mineral oil is greasy and yucky, but it makes the hair shiny. One time i was going to the store to get some hair oil in a jar...i found some castor oil...and it was greasy and stiff...but it did make my hair shiny, until i looked what was in it. and the grease was very cheap, mineral oil and petroleum is cheap just like how sodium sulfate is. So I spent a little more on a different hair oil, it was carrot oil, and it didnt have all that bad stuff in it...and instead of being greasy it was more like a whipped cream, but it wasnt a cream, it was the samething as everything else except without all the bad stuff. it moisturized my hair, but it didnt not have the same effect as it did with the products that had mineral oil and petroleum in it.
I hope that explains it.
oh btw, almost ALL african american hair products have it, because it makes their hair shiny and thats what african amerian women want. so i dont use african hair products for just that reason.If mineral oil is so bad for your hair then why do some of the best salon hair products contain it?
Your hair always has some amount of oil in it, and if you wash your hair alot or if you dye it or straighten it alot some sqalons will use it to put healthy amounts of oil back in it. You always want some in there, or your hair will die
i don't think it's really bad for you maybe it depends on the person or the person's hair who knows i do know however that tea tree oil is very good for your hair!tvs
Alot of products contain it because it makes the hair shiny making you believe that it is moisturized and shiny. I heard on the internet that mineral oil is also used in car oil, but dont believe me, i dont if thats true or not. just something i heard. didnt u ask that question about using a little bit of a product? yeah i answered it. anyways, mineral oil retards hair growth because it clogs hair follicles, just like petroleum does. mineral oil is greasy and yucky, but it makes the hair shiny. One time i was going to the store to get some hair oil in a jar...i found some castor oil...and it was greasy and stiff...but it did make my hair shiny, until i looked what was in it. and the grease was very cheap, mineral oil and petroleum is cheap just like how sodium sulfate is. So I spent a little more on a different hair oil, it was carrot oil, and it didnt have all that bad stuff in it...and instead of being greasy it was more like a whipped cream, but it wasnt a cream, it was the samething as everything else except without all the bad stuff. it moisturized my hair, but it didnt not have the same effect as it did with the products that had mineral oil and petroleum in it.
I hope that explains it.
oh btw, almost ALL african american hair products have it, because it makes their hair shiny and thats what african amerian women want. so i dont use african hair products for just that reason.If mineral oil is so bad for your hair then why do some of the best salon hair products contain it?
Your hair always has some amount of oil in it, and if you wash your hair alot or if you dye it or straighten it alot some sqalons will use it to put healthy amounts of oil back in it. You always want some in there, or your hair will die
i don't think it's really bad for you maybe it depends on the person or the person's hair who knows i do know however that tea tree oil is very good for your hair!
Why do some products say zero trans fat, but the ingredient list states it has partially hydrogenated oil?
Just wondering how they are able to get away with doing this?Why do some products say zero trans fat, but the ingredient list states it has partially hydrogenated oil?
maybe that little bit of hydrogenated oil only adds up to .9 grams per serving. some stupid technicality like that. the serving size is probably really small too. stay away from processed foods such as that.Why do some products say zero trans fat, but the ingredient list states it has partially hydrogenated oil?
If the trans fat is under .5 (even if it is .49999...) they are still allowed to put 0 on the label. I know it is screwed up but good for you keeping an eye ont he ingerdients.
maybe that little bit of hydrogenated oil only adds up to .9 grams per serving. some stupid technicality like that. the serving size is probably really small too. stay away from processed foods such as that.Why do some products say zero trans fat, but the ingredient list states it has partially hydrogenated oil?
If the trans fat is under .5 (even if it is .49999...) they are still allowed to put 0 on the label. I know it is screwed up but good for you keeping an eye ont he ingerdients.
What products contain Palm Oil and how can I avoid it?
Obviously, read the ingredients, but usually you will find palm oil in cheap foodstuffs that need to sit around at room temperature for long periods.
This would include MANY candy bars, some snack food cakes, things that must remain soft, and appealing in a machine.
Also, beware of popcorn. Often it is not only popped in palm oil, but the butter-flavored grease that is gushed onto it has a palm base... Why?
Palm oil is a lovely, stable, long-lasting shortening with a wonderful mouth feel and the ability to take on flavors like a champ!
Sadly, it's heart-clogging glop that has no health value whatsoever.
Best wishes!What products contain Palm Oil and how can I avoid it?
It would be easier to list products that do not have palm oil in them than ones that do.What products contain Palm Oil and how can I avoid it?
many good quality soaps contain it.
As above, but I've heard this week it finds it way into bio-diesel, which is mixed with mineral diesel for sale at supermarkets. Though you wouldn't know, whether it contained palm oil or not.
As suggested check the ingredients its also worth knowing alternative names for palm oil. I try to avoid peanut oil and this is known as arachis too. I usally ask when buying cosmetics but if you are in the uk most items now must have all the ingredients listed.
Check out this site for info鈥?/a>
This would include MANY candy bars, some snack food cakes, things that must remain soft, and appealing in a machine.
Also, beware of popcorn. Often it is not only popped in palm oil, but the butter-flavored grease that is gushed onto it has a palm base... Why?
Palm oil is a lovely, stable, long-lasting shortening with a wonderful mouth feel and the ability to take on flavors like a champ!
Sadly, it's heart-clogging glop that has no health value whatsoever.
Best wishes!What products contain Palm Oil and how can I avoid it?
It would be easier to list products that do not have palm oil in them than ones that do.What products contain Palm Oil and how can I avoid it?
many good quality soaps contain it.
As above, but I've heard this week it finds it way into bio-diesel, which is mixed with mineral diesel for sale at supermarkets. Though you wouldn't know, whether it contained palm oil or not.
As suggested check the ingredients its also worth knowing alternative names for palm oil. I try to avoid peanut oil and this is known as arachis too. I usally ask when buying cosmetics but if you are in the uk most items now must have all the ingredients listed.
Check out this site for info鈥?/a>
What do you think about Oil of Olay Products?
Olay regenerist line makes the best list for anti-aging. Even had slightly better results at a consumer review testing over strivectin.
It makes TOP3! See source.What do you think about Oil of Olay Products?
I'm 26 and use Olay Rengenerist Serum and 鈾?it makes my skin soft and smooth other Olay products work good too.What do you think about Oil of Olay Products?
I use Olay foaming face wash and the sensitive skin face lotion. I love it. My face has never been dry.
i think that the soap is the best
it s the only one i use
over all i think their pretty good when it comes to things you can buy at sav on
i think it is for women 30- and on.. because they begin to age a bit.(but every person is different) but my mom uses them and likes them.. they are mainly good products..
good feedback
I';m partial, but I really think that Avon gives a better bang for the buck.
I think that the Oil of Olay products are geared toward middle aged women. I still think they are great! They offer good products and at pretty reasonable price
I used to tease my mom b/c she used it and would call it ';Oil for the Old Age';...Now that I'm in my mid-30s - I USE IT DAY %26amp; NIGHT! The products are a good value for the price you pay. However, the fragrance/scent of some of their lotions aren't as nice as the high-end/expensive ones.
It makes TOP3! See source.What do you think about Oil of Olay Products?
I'm 26 and use Olay Rengenerist Serum and 鈾?it makes my skin soft and smooth other Olay products work good too.What do you think about Oil of Olay Products?
I use Olay foaming face wash and the sensitive skin face lotion. I love it. My face has never been dry.
i think that the soap is the best
it s the only one i use
over all i think their pretty good when it comes to things you can buy at sav on
i think it is for women 30- and on.. because they begin to age a bit.(but every person is different) but my mom uses them and likes them.. they are mainly good products..
good feedback
I';m partial, but I really think that Avon gives a better bang for the buck.
I think that the Oil of Olay products are geared toward middle aged women. I still think they are great! They offer good products and at pretty reasonable price
I used to tease my mom b/c she used it and would call it ';Oil for the Old Age';...Now that I'm in my mid-30s - I USE IT DAY %26amp; NIGHT! The products are a good value for the price you pay. However, the fragrance/scent of some of their lotions aren't as nice as the high-end/expensive ones.
Where can I find products by European Kitchen Collection/Oil and Diffusers. The scent is Mediterran Fig. I c
The item is a scented oil.Where can I find products by European Kitchen Collection/Oil and Diffusers. The scent is Mediterran Fig. I c
Welcome Home usually in the outlet mall regions.
Home Interiors - house to house distributors
Welcome Home usually in the outlet mall regions.
Home Interiors - house to house distributors
Melaleuca...which of its products smell llike melaleuca oil?
I just joined the company and love the smell of melaleuca oil. i am using sol u mel 3 in 1 - love the smell. Is there any other beauty or bath products that smell like it?Melaleuca...which of its products smell llike melaleuca oil?
Check the candle section. The mela candle... Although it is not a bath product, you could place it on the counter and burn it while in the bath ;) Hope that helps, B
Check the candle section. The mela candle... Although it is not a bath product, you could place it on the counter and burn it while in the bath ;) Hope that helps, B
How many gallons of gas is produced from a barrel of oil. What are the other by-products?
I don't know?How many gallons of gas is produced from a barrel of oil. What are the other by-products?
from a 55 gallon barrel...about 20 gallons of gas is produced. the other 35 gallons are used for things like plastics, lubricating oils and other derivatives of
from a 55 gallon barrel...about 20 gallons of gas is produced. the other 35 gallons are used for things like plastics, lubricating oils and other derivatives of crude.
Where can I buy Emu products ( oil and pills) in London?
link(s) belowWhere can I buy Emu products ( oil and pills) in London?
check in storesWhere can I buy Emu products ( oil and pills) in London?
The link for online Emu products is:鈥?/a>
best wishes,
ever since rod hull fell off his roof, the emu has been very quiet indeed.. maybe we should expect to see him on his own show soon... i love that emu.
Try a soap and lotion making supplier. They carry Emu oils. I know a ton of American suppliers but I know candle and soapers in London that usually have to order in the states. But here is one in particular that I know of in the U.S.
herbal in or the market lol i duno!
check in storesWhere can I buy Emu products ( oil and pills) in London?
The link for online Emu products is:鈥?/a>
best wishes,
ever since rod hull fell off his roof, the emu has been very quiet indeed.. maybe we should expect to see him on his own show soon... i love that emu.
Try a soap and lotion making supplier. They carry Emu oils. I know a ton of American suppliers but I know candle and soapers in London that usually have to order in the states. But here is one in particular that I know of in the U.S.
herbal in or the market lol i duno!
What are some products powered by oil?
I need help, i know engine...What are some products powered by oil?
If you are asking about the other liquid motor fuel, you will find answers quicker by using the common name, diesel fuel.
If you are asking about the other liquid motor fuel, you will find answers quicker by using the common name, diesel fuel.
Does baby lotion contain mineral oil/ petrolatum products?
Shouldn't. There should be an information on the package.
Tame flyaways without water OR oil-based products?
Hey, I am a girl who flatirons my hair completely. Although the end product is very straight hair, I have a problem with flyaways. Oil based products work, but my hair gets very heavy and gets that ';too-'shiny'; look. I also have used water-based products, but they create a slight wave in my hair because it reacts with the water. Is there any product you know of that isn't water OR oil based???????
THANK YOU 鈾?Tame flyaways without water OR oil-based products?
Dove Hair serum. I have a problem with fly-aways myself, but this is a wonderful problem-solver.
Squirt a pea-sized amount in your hand, rub 'em together, and smooth the flyaways.
Peace!Tame flyaways without water OR oil-based products?
use a small amount of aloe vera gel. rub it in your hands, then smooth it onto your hair.
my sister in law uses sorbolene cream, just a tiny amount and rubs it through,
You're probably using way too much of the oil-based product. Use a tiny bit (two to three small drops), starting with the ends, then incorporate it into the top when there is almost none left on your hands. It sounds to me like you are using the right products, but incorrectly.
THANK YOU 鈾?Tame flyaways without water OR oil-based products?
Dove Hair serum. I have a problem with fly-aways myself, but this is a wonderful problem-solver.
Squirt a pea-sized amount in your hand, rub 'em together, and smooth the flyaways.
Peace!Tame flyaways without water OR oil-based products?
use a small amount of aloe vera gel. rub it in your hands, then smooth it onto your hair.
my sister in law uses sorbolene cream, just a tiny amount and rubs it through,
You're probably using way too much of the oil-based product. Use a tiny bit (two to three small drops), starting with the ends, then incorporate it into the top when there is almost none left on your hands. It sounds to me like you are using the right products, but incorrectly.
Best Automotive Oil Products?
royal purple motor oil........Best Automotive Oil Products?
Depends on your car. Read your owners manual. Some cars require synthetic others are fine on fossil. Don't use synthetic unless you have an exotic car.Best Automotive Oil Products?
i own a repair shop,and truthfully the best motor oil you can buy right now,is Mobil one synthetic oil,there is nothing on the market right now better than this stuff,5 bucks a quart,and its worth every penny of it and more,good luck i hope this help,s.
schaffers micron moly. enough said. drag racers secret
Mobile 1 and Castrol Syntec.
most name brands the same[ almost] i buy best price..Castrol around here Synthetic best if you can pay the doh...
Depends on your car. Read your owners manual. Some cars require synthetic others are fine on fossil. Don't use synthetic unless you have an exotic car.Best Automotive Oil Products?
i own a repair shop,and truthfully the best motor oil you can buy right now,is Mobil one synthetic oil,there is nothing on the market right now better than this stuff,5 bucks a quart,and its worth every penny of it and more,good luck i hope this help,s.
schaffers micron moly. enough said. drag racers secret
Mobile 1 and Castrol Syntec.
most name brands the same[ almost] i buy best price..Castrol around here Synthetic best if you can pay the doh...
Can anyone tell me what is the best way to make a oil face mask using home products?
I put olive oil on my skin. It sounds weird but It's actually really good and hydrating.Can anyone tell me what is the best way to make a oil face mask using home products?
Natural face masks are always the best
check out
She makes the best homemade masks.
for acnes
smooth skin
etc..Can anyone tell me what is the best way to make a oil face mask using home products?
try olive oil and avacados mashed together.
this can provide a type of moisturizing conditioner to your face, and hair if you wanted!tvs
Natural face masks are always the best
check out
She makes the best homemade masks.
for acnes
smooth skin
etc..Can anyone tell me what is the best way to make a oil face mask using home products?
try olive oil and avacados mashed together.
this can provide a type of moisturizing conditioner to your face, and hair if you wanted!
Ladies, What do you think about products made by oil of olay?
I love them!!!!Ladies, What do you think about products made by oil of olay?
love themLadies, What do you think about products made by oil of olay?
My mom has always said she has put it on my face since I was 2.. however I have to put it on at night because I feel like it makes my face feel greasy and it feels wierd against my makeup. But overall, I like it. They smell good.
I like oil of olay. I use their moisturizer with spf and it works great! I agree that they smell good too. :)
olay is really good me and my mom always used the olay soup
I love their face cleaner washclothes. Four steps in one. Can't go wrong with that.
I have been using them for a few years now and I love the product.
light and sweetly scented. just enough for the sensitive nature of womens skin. I adore it!
too greasy
I loike them.. They smell good
love themLadies, What do you think about products made by oil of olay?
My mom has always said she has put it on my face since I was 2.. however I have to put it on at night because I feel like it makes my face feel greasy and it feels wierd against my makeup. But overall, I like it. They smell good.
I like oil of olay. I use their moisturizer with spf and it works great! I agree that they smell good too. :)
olay is really good me and my mom always used the olay soup
I love their face cleaner washclothes. Four steps in one. Can't go wrong with that.
I have been using them for a few years now and I love the product.
light and sweetly scented. just enough for the sensitive nature of womens skin. I adore it!
too greasy
I loike them.. They smell good
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
What kinds of after market products do we use to decrease the oil consumption in our vehicles?
well, for reducing, go with a synthetic blend
for no use of fossil oil, go 100% synthetic, yes, it costs more, but it's not fossil based.
ridding completely, probably not, how would the moving parts with such close tolerance be lubricated so they continue to work?What kinds of after market products do we use to decrease the oil consumption in our vehicles?
Vehicles should not use or burn oil. If yours are, it is either leaking or burning it off. Fix whatever the problem is instead of trying to add some magic fix.What kinds of after market products do we use to decrease the oil consumption in our vehicles?
most additives arent worth the time you waste to put them in, im not a real believer in using the but i have seen (restore) in a silver can at most parts stores, it does work ive seen it or i wouldnt believe it either.
just use synthetic oil!...the majority of refined crude for cars goes toward gasoline....seems to me manufactures would just have to re-gear the transmissions in autos... question is why don't they?
for no use of fossil oil, go 100% synthetic, yes, it costs more, but it's not fossil based.
ridding completely, probably not, how would the moving parts with such close tolerance be lubricated so they continue to work?What kinds of after market products do we use to decrease the oil consumption in our vehicles?
Vehicles should not use or burn oil. If yours are, it is either leaking or burning it off. Fix whatever the problem is instead of trying to add some magic fix.What kinds of after market products do we use to decrease the oil consumption in our vehicles?
most additives arent worth the time you waste to put them in, im not a real believer in using the but i have seen (restore) in a silver can at most parts stores, it does work ive seen it or i wouldnt believe it either.
just use synthetic oil!...the majority of refined crude for cars goes toward gasoline....seems to me manufactures would just have to re-gear the transmissions in autos... question is why don't they?
What are some natural products for baby care? like lotions, shampoo, body wash, oil?
My friend is interested in natural ways and all I know so far is olive oil is good for babies. I was wondering if anyone knows what are some natural ways for baby care? What are some natural products for baby care? like lotions, shampoo, body wash, oil?
I use almond oil to massage my baby and for hair I use coconut oil. Also, you can use almond oil for yourself as well. Almond oil has a natural bleech agent. It gives your skin narishment and shine natural way. You don't need to use any kind of lotion after that.What are some natural products for baby care? like lotions, shampoo, body wash, oil? is one of the best sites for all baby products鈥?they have an amazing interface and a ton of content and products鈥︹€ere is a link for some discounts as well if you are interested鈥?
I use almond oil to massage my baby and for hair I use coconut oil. Also, you can use almond oil for yourself as well. Almond oil has a natural bleech agent. It gives your skin narishment and shine natural way. You don't need to use any kind of lotion after that.What are some natural products for baby care? like lotions, shampoo, body wash, oil? is one of the best sites for all baby products鈥?they have an amazing interface and a ton of content and products鈥︹€ere is a link for some discounts as well if you are interested鈥?
Do you avoid products with palm oil?
Yes, I do and it requires very careful label reading. Palm Oil is in many kinds of ice cream and the Newman's Own brand puts it in their organic cookies so even if the label says organic you still must read the label.Do you avoid products with palm oil?
I do, but for me it is a health issue rather than an environmental one.
I do, but for me it is a health issue rather than an environmental one.
Is it bad If I use oil of olay but I try their different products?
I use oil of olay face wash and moisterizer but I am switiching to a better facial wash from oil of olay and see if it works better for my skin. Other than that, I wanted to know if its bad to use different products from oil of olay. I know people said its bad to use many different products for your skin.. Please help??.....Is it bad If I use oil of olay but I try their different products?
鈻簓ou can try different products, BUT if you find a product that suits your skin, STICK to it and don't try different products anymore!
鈻簓ou can try different products, BUT if you find a product that suits your skin, STICK to it and don't try different products anymore!
What Major Auto Parts Stores Sell Engine Oil Fluorescent Leak Detecting Dye Products?
check at napa they have it at some of their stores!tvs
How many liters of gasoline can be produced in a one barrel of crude oil ? Also, the other by-products ?
Crude oils are found in a variety of types, ranging from light-colored oils to black, nearly solid asphalts. These are highly complex mixtures containing many hydrocarbons, ranging from methane to compounds containing fifty or more carbon atoms.
Different types of crude will have different amounts of petrol.
It also depends if the refinery distills it ( petrol vapourises at about 24 degree C) or ';cracks'; it. The latter method gives a higher proportion of petrol.
Another factor is the additives, and there is also the Octane rating
It could be between 90 and 120 litres per barrelHow many liters of gasoline can be produced in a one barrel of crude oil ? Also, the other by-products ?
Somewhere around 80, depending on the crude. Roughly half the feedstock is typically converted into gasoline.How many liters of gasoline can be produced in a one barrel of crude oil ? Also, the other by-products ?
This web site said that it took 330,000 barels to make 248,000 barels gasoline. This is an efficiency of ;
248/330*100% or 75%
Because there are 159 liters in a petrolium barrel you can say that it is about 119 liters.
Different types of crude will have different amounts of petrol.
It also depends if the refinery distills it ( petrol vapourises at about 24 degree C) or ';cracks'; it. The latter method gives a higher proportion of petrol.
Another factor is the additives, and there is also the Octane rating
It could be between 90 and 120 litres per barrelHow many liters of gasoline can be produced in a one barrel of crude oil ? Also, the other by-products ?
Somewhere around 80, depending on the crude. Roughly half the feedstock is typically converted into gasoline.How many liters of gasoline can be produced in a one barrel of crude oil ? Also, the other by-products ?
This web site said that it took 330,000 barels to make 248,000 barels gasoline. This is an efficiency of ;
248/330*100% or 75%
Because there are 159 liters in a petrolium barrel you can say that it is about 119 liters.
What keeps water and oil from separating (that's good and safe to use for hair care products)?
I want to keep my customers from shaking before each use. :) So what's a natural ingredient I can use to blend the oil and water ingredients together to keep them from separating. Please help.What keeps water and oil from separating (that's good and safe to use for hair care products)?
more oil and water
more oil and water
What are some kitchen products that have high concentrates of safflower oil?
This is a drying oil expeller pressed from the safflower seed and is somewhat similar to linseed oil. This natural oil can be found in alkyd resins, paints, varnishes, medicine, dietetic foods, margarine, or hydrogenated shortening.
Around the world, safflower is mainly grown for cooking purposes. It has the highest polyunsaturated/saturated ratios of any oil, and nutritionally similar to olive oil with high levels of linoleic or oleic acid. Safflower oil is considered a great skin hydrator and is often used in massage products because it oxidizes easily. It is stable and its consistency does not change in low temperatures.
Common Uses of Safflower Oil
Massage oils
Lotions and creams
Hair Care
Benefits of Safflower Oil
Helps treat inflamed joints
Relieves eczema and rough skin
Absorbs quickly
Around the world, safflower is mainly grown for cooking purposes. It has the highest polyunsaturated/saturated ratios of any oil, and nutritionally similar to olive oil with high levels of linoleic or oleic acid. Safflower oil is considered a great skin hydrator and is often used in massage products because it oxidizes easily. It is stable and its consistency does not change in low temperatures.
Common Uses of Safflower Oil
Massage oils
Lotions and creams
Hair Care
Benefits of Safflower Oil
Helps treat inflamed joints
Relieves eczema and rough skin
Absorbs quickly
Reviews on Simple oil control products?
I have sensitive skin that is pimple prone. How well does it work in getting rid of pimples.Reviews on Simple oil control products?
This took a lil while but i found exaclty what you wanted. Ive looked at a few other reviewing sites on this product also i cant seem to find any faults with the product and most the advantages are clearing up pimples. Im going to paste one review here for you and everyone else to read and the link at the bottom will direct you to the source website which will lead to to 3 other reviews of this product.
Author's product rating:
Advantages: Gets rid of all the blemishes
Disadvantages: None
Recommend to potential buyers: yes
Full review
I was sat down one morning when it was horrible outside and I was watching This Morning. They had an item on how to care for different skin types. I’ve always had problem skin from eczema to acne and usually at the same time – not a pleasant sight – so I watched this with great interest.
Anyway the short story is that for sensitive and dry skin they recommended an exfoliator wash. I don’t normally put things like that on my face as they tend to irritate it, but I thought you can only try once. So of I drove to my local Superdrug. The only wash that I could find for sensitive skin was the Simple one. So I bought it. Heres how it measures up:
£4.69 for 150ml – I thought this was quite expensive when I bought it but you don’t use a lot and it seems to go on forever.
**What does it do?**
it has little bits in it (the technical name being micro-particles) that gently scrub your face, it gets rid of all the dead skin cells and helps to unblock pores. It also has an anti-bacterial agent which helps to fight spots.
**How to you use it?**
Make your face and neck damp, then in small circular movements apply a small amount to your skin. It feels a bit funny at first, but you feel a lot better afterwards. After you have finished this rinse it away with clear water, then dry your skin with small pats of the towel. You should instantly feel the difference.
Aqua (water), Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Zinc PCA, Panthenol (Pro-vitamin B5), Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Benzophenone-4, Methylparaben Sodium Hydroxymethylglyanate, Diprorylene Glycol, Phytosphingosine, Lavandula Angustifolia, Anthemis Nobilis.
Someone out there may understand all that, but it does say on the packaging that this product contains no animal derived ingredients.
this come in a fairly simple green transparent tube with a greeny-blue lid. It has the Simple logo on it and is instantly recognisable for being made by Simple.
I have been using this for about a month now (and I’m still on the first tube) and the difference in my skin is instantly apparent to those who know me. All my spots have disappeared along with any signs of eczema and blackheads.
This product has been the best buy of the year for me and it has given me some of my self confidence back.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone.
**Contact details**
Accantia Health and Beauty Ltd, Birmingham, B* 3DZ
Good Luck, by the look of the reivews this is a good product aimed at reducing oil in skin and clearing the bacteria that leads to pimples, good luck with this product i hope it does for you what it has done for others.Reviews on Simple oil control products?
i love proactiv's oil control. not their face wash, but the oil control. i use it everyday- it really controls oil. lol. i would reccomend it . it costs alot though…
if you dont have money, you can try these:…
oh and for you acne, i recommend this. i LIVE off this stuff. not even kidding. it works so well. if you keep using it the zits magically stay away. i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it sooo much. but i only have slightly oily skin. it can be found at most stores.…
The best way to deal with problematic skin is either see a dermatologist or beautician. I am having problems with pimples myself and so far is under control by going for regular facials and using the right products. If you use a product that will minimize the oil production of the skin your skin will be less likely to break out - this is as simple as i can explain the process :)
I can suggest Dermalogica products but you still need to have regular facials.
And no mater how terrible it looks or how tempted you are - don't ever squeeze a pimple. Rater leave it for a few days. If you decide to squeeze the pimple yourself you must be 100% sure that next time you will get 2 instead of 1!!! And this is how the disaster startrs. So just leave it for a few days, or have it done by a professional.
This took a lil while but i found exaclty what you wanted. Ive looked at a few other reviewing sites on this product also i cant seem to find any faults with the product and most the advantages are clearing up pimples. Im going to paste one review here for you and everyone else to read and the link at the bottom will direct you to the source website which will lead to to 3 other reviews of this product.
Author's product rating:
Advantages: Gets rid of all the blemishes
Disadvantages: None
Recommend to potential buyers: yes
Full review
I was sat down one morning when it was horrible outside and I was watching This Morning. They had an item on how to care for different skin types. I’ve always had problem skin from eczema to acne and usually at the same time – not a pleasant sight – so I watched this with great interest.
Anyway the short story is that for sensitive and dry skin they recommended an exfoliator wash. I don’t normally put things like that on my face as they tend to irritate it, but I thought you can only try once. So of I drove to my local Superdrug. The only wash that I could find for sensitive skin was the Simple one. So I bought it. Heres how it measures up:
£4.69 for 150ml – I thought this was quite expensive when I bought it but you don’t use a lot and it seems to go on forever.
**What does it do?**
it has little bits in it (the technical name being micro-particles) that gently scrub your face, it gets rid of all the dead skin cells and helps to unblock pores. It also has an anti-bacterial agent which helps to fight spots.
**How to you use it?**
Make your face and neck damp, then in small circular movements apply a small amount to your skin. It feels a bit funny at first, but you feel a lot better afterwards. After you have finished this rinse it away with clear water, then dry your skin with small pats of the towel. You should instantly feel the difference.
Aqua (water), Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Zinc PCA, Panthenol (Pro-vitamin B5), Sodium Hydroxide, Xanthan Gum, Benzophenone-4, Methylparaben Sodium Hydroxymethylglyanate, Diprorylene Glycol, Phytosphingosine, Lavandula Angustifolia, Anthemis Nobilis.
Someone out there may understand all that, but it does say on the packaging that this product contains no animal derived ingredients.
this come in a fairly simple green transparent tube with a greeny-blue lid. It has the Simple logo on it and is instantly recognisable for being made by Simple.
I have been using this for about a month now (and I’m still on the first tube) and the difference in my skin is instantly apparent to those who know me. All my spots have disappeared along with any signs of eczema and blackheads.
This product has been the best buy of the year for me and it has given me some of my self confidence back.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone.
**Contact details**
Accantia Health and Beauty Ltd, Birmingham, B* 3DZ
Good Luck, by the look of the reivews this is a good product aimed at reducing oil in skin and clearing the bacteria that leads to pimples, good luck with this product i hope it does for you what it has done for others.Reviews on Simple oil control products?
i love proactiv's oil control. not their face wash, but the oil control. i use it everyday- it really controls oil. lol. i would reccomend it . it costs alot though…
if you dont have money, you can try these:…
oh and for you acne, i recommend this. i LIVE off this stuff. not even kidding. it works so well. if you keep using it the zits magically stay away. i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it sooo much. but i only have slightly oily skin. it can be found at most stores.…
The best way to deal with problematic skin is either see a dermatologist or beautician. I am having problems with pimples myself and so far is under control by going for regular facials and using the right products. If you use a product that will minimize the oil production of the skin your skin will be less likely to break out - this is as simple as i can explain the process :)
I can suggest Dermalogica products but you still need to have regular facials.
And no mater how terrible it looks or how tempted you are - don't ever squeeze a pimple. Rater leave it for a few days. If you decide to squeeze the pimple yourself you must be 100% sure that next time you will get 2 instead of 1!!! And this is how the disaster startrs. So just leave it for a few days, or have it done by a professional.
What products, besides oil, does the US import from Venezuela?
CoffeeWhat products, besides oil, does the US import from Venezuela?
Metals and gemstvs
Metals and gems
Hydrometer are for displacement in global type for sampling oil products?
yes there are hydrometers that are used for this purpose.Hydrometer are for displacement in global type for sampling oil products?
Whatever you say/ask pal.Hydrometer are for displacement in global type for sampling oil products?
Hydrometers are used to find the specific gravity of a liquid. Race car driver want to know the amount of nitro to boost fuel performance...Wine makers want to know how much alcohol is in the fermenting solution..Fish tank owners want to know the amount of salt in solution. Every solution has a specific gravity. The altitude you are measuring at is a variable. Is the oil product at sea level or is it twenty thousand feet? Lots of inquiring minds want to know what you are asking this question for and is it legal.
Whatever you say/ask pal.Hydrometer are for displacement in global type for sampling oil products?
Hydrometers are used to find the specific gravity of a liquid. Race car driver want to know the amount of nitro to boost fuel performance...Wine makers want to know how much alcohol is in the fermenting solution..Fish tank owners want to know the amount of salt in solution. Every solution has a specific gravity. The altitude you are measuring at is a variable. Is the oil product at sea level or is it twenty thousand feet? Lots of inquiring minds want to know what you are asking this question for and is it legal.
Ever heard of Olbas Oil and other products?
Have you tried them and did it help you?Ever heard of Olbas Oil and other products?
yes I'v heard of them as a matter of fact I use the oil and cough drops.
yes I'v heard of them as a matter of fact I use the oil and cough drops.
How can you get an oil free face without buying skin care products?
Useful homemade remedies made with only using common household items.How can you get an oil free face without buying skin care products?
My sister uses toothpaste. Surprisingly it actually works.
My sister uses toothpaste. Surprisingly it actually works.
What would be the resulting products if one would crack vegetable oil?
as in a refineryWhat would be the resulting products if one would crack vegetable oil?
There are many vegetable fats and oils - olive oil, linseed oil, tung oil, coconut oil and so on. These oils are triglycerides, that is, they are esters of glycerin and a various fatty acids and also contain free fatty acids and diglycerides as well.
Fatty acids are carboxylic acids often with a long unbranched aliphatic tail (chain), which is either saturated or unsaturated. Carboxylic acids as short as butyric acid (4 carbon atoms) are considered to be fatty acids, whereas fatty acids derived from natural fats and oils may be assumed to have at least 8 carbon atoms, e.g., caprylic acid (octanoic acid). Fatty acids may have 22 or more carbon atoms.
Cracking is the process of breaking up large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller and more useful bits. This is achieved by using high pressures and temperatures without a catalyst, or lower temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst.
For the most part, long-chain fatty acids are used ';as is'; because there is little to be gained by breaking them down into smaller hydrocarbon molecules which are already available from other sources and from shorter chain fatty acids
There are many vegetable fats and oils - olive oil, linseed oil, tung oil, coconut oil and so on. These oils are triglycerides, that is, they are esters of glycerin and a various fatty acids and also contain free fatty acids and diglycerides as well.
Fatty acids are carboxylic acids often with a long unbranched aliphatic tail (chain), which is either saturated or unsaturated. Carboxylic acids as short as butyric acid (4 carbon atoms) are considered to be fatty acids, whereas fatty acids derived from natural fats and oils may be assumed to have at least 8 carbon atoms, e.g., caprylic acid (octanoic acid). Fatty acids may have 22 or more carbon atoms.
Cracking is the process of breaking up large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller and more useful bits. This is achieved by using high pressures and temperatures without a catalyst, or lower temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst.
For the most part, long-chain fatty acids are used ';as is'; because there is little to be gained by breaking them down into smaller hydrocarbon molecules which are already available from other sources and from shorter chain fatty acids
I usually apply oil a night before hair wash. Can I oil my hair if I am using heat styling products?
I have dry hair and apply oil before washing my hair. I recently started heat straightening my hair. I use Tressemme heat defense and Schwarzkopf zero frizz corrective hair serum before heat styling. I wash my hair once in 3 days and would like your opinion on applying oil on hair that has heat styling products.I usually apply oil a night before hair wash. Can I oil my hair if I am using heat styling products?
applying oil the night before it's fine. If anything, the oil will actually protect your hair from heat damage.
Though I wouldnt apply oil right before using a iron, because the high heat and oil together is just not very
applying oil the night before it's fine. If anything, the oil will actually protect your hair from heat damage.
Though I wouldnt apply oil right before using a iron, because the high heat and oil together is just not very safe.
I read the honda manual and it says to only use honda products like coolant, oil, and tranmission fluid.?
the honda manual says to only use honda products like oil, coolant, and transmission fluid. but then i ask my prescion tune auto care guys that i have been going to for years and they say it doesn't matter. as long as it is the right kind like 5w20 oik or something.I read the honda manual and it says to only use honda products like coolant, oil, and tranmission fluid.?
transmission fluid, I would not use anything but what the dealer recommends. It's too easy for a transmission to be ruined by the wrong fluid. What you can do is get the part number for the fluid your auto guy recommends and ask the dealer about it.
Coolant and oil are not as critical, but I'd still check.I read the honda manual and it says to only use honda products like coolant, oil, and tranmission fluid.?
Your owner's manual will give technical specifications that fluids must meet. Sometimes newer lubricants like synthetics come along that not only meet the specifications but exceed them. So for example, Mobil One synthetic engine oil of the proper weight specified in your manual will easily exceed an older petroleum based oil performance specified by Honda. So read the product specifications you can get from your repair shop and make sure they meet or exceed your Honda specifications. In some cases, it's safest to use original equipment lubricants and replacement parts because they were designed for your particular car. An example is engine oil filters. Your quickie lube off brand oil filter may not meet the Honda oil filter specifications. I would prefer to use a Honda oil filter in a Honda vehicle to protect an expensive engine.
They want you to come in %26amp; buy their over priced marked up products. In the end, it's the same thing no matter where you buy it. Example: I needed to lube the hinge on my car door, the book says to buy GM products xxxxx. It was over $10 at the dealer. But it was nothing more than common white lithium grease that I got at tractor supply for less the $2. G'luck.
You can use whatever brand you want, but make sure it meets Honda's standards. Transmissions %26amp; engines may not be warrantied if you don't. If either fail they will take fluid samples %26amp; send them off for testing.
You can use any brand name as long as the correct type
of fluid is used for your car. For example, you can use
Mobil 5w20 oil or Castrol 5w20 oil.
it doesn't matter what brand you use. 99% of oils and coolant are fine for you car and will say on the bottle that it meets certain standards
yes of course because they want you to spend your money on their products but in reality another brand is probably better as some of these manufacturers have been developing their products longer than Honda have existed
transmission fluid, I would not use anything but what the dealer recommends. It's too easy for a transmission to be ruined by the wrong fluid. What you can do is get the part number for the fluid your auto guy recommends and ask the dealer about it.
Coolant and oil are not as critical, but I'd still check.I read the honda manual and it says to only use honda products like coolant, oil, and tranmission fluid.?
Your owner's manual will give technical specifications that fluids must meet. Sometimes newer lubricants like synthetics come along that not only meet the specifications but exceed them. So for example, Mobil One synthetic engine oil of the proper weight specified in your manual will easily exceed an older petroleum based oil performance specified by Honda. So read the product specifications you can get from your repair shop and make sure they meet or exceed your Honda specifications. In some cases, it's safest to use original equipment lubricants and replacement parts because they were designed for your particular car. An example is engine oil filters. Your quickie lube off brand oil filter may not meet the Honda oil filter specifications. I would prefer to use a Honda oil filter in a Honda vehicle to protect an expensive engine.
They want you to come in %26amp; buy their over priced marked up products. In the end, it's the same thing no matter where you buy it. Example: I needed to lube the hinge on my car door, the book says to buy GM products xxxxx. It was over $10 at the dealer. But it was nothing more than common white lithium grease that I got at tractor supply for less the $2. G'luck.
You can use whatever brand you want, but make sure it meets Honda's standards. Transmissions %26amp; engines may not be warrantied if you don't. If either fail they will take fluid samples %26amp; send them off for testing.
You can use any brand name as long as the correct type
of fluid is used for your car. For example, you can use
Mobil 5w20 oil or Castrol 5w20 oil.
it doesn't matter what brand you use. 99% of oils and coolant are fine for you car and will say on the bottle that it meets certain standards
yes of course because they want you to spend your money on their products but in reality another brand is probably better as some of these manufacturers have been developing their products longer than Honda have existed
What olive oil products help natural hair grow? [black hair - 3b/4a]?
Take cod liver oil, its full of vitamins and minerals, its taken orally by the way.What olive oil products help natural hair grow? [black hair - 3b/4a]?
The body shop has some good shampoo and conditioners which are made from olive oilWhat olive oil products help natural hair grow? [black hair - 3b/4a]?
The body shop has some good shampoo and conditioners which are made from olive oilWhat olive oil products help natural hair grow? [black hair - 3b/4a]?
Transforming relaxers from dark&lovely to olive oil hair products?
Im 17 years old and i've been tryin 2 change my hair relaxer from dark%26amp;lovely kids to the olive oil hair products...wil this affect my hair in any way and do you think the olive oil hair product is good for my hairTransforming relaxers from dark%26amp;lovely to olive oil hair products?
As long as you wait 6-8 weeks between relaxers and don't overlap the perm onto previously relaxed hair you should be fine. A lot of people switch relaxers with no adverse reactions. I've heard a lot of good things about the Olive Oil relaxers.
As long as you wait 6-8 weeks between relaxers and don't overlap the perm onto previously relaxed hair you should be fine. A lot of people switch relaxers with no adverse reactions. I've heard a lot of good things about the Olive Oil relaxers.
Know of any Good Olive Oil products?
After flat ironing my hair ,i tried a little pure olive oil straight from my kitchen.I heard it helps with dry and frizzy hair ,and i just loved what it did for my hair.I'm looking for a wedsite or name of any olive oil products ,mostly a shampoo and conditioner. Don't like Organic Root Stimulator ,it's to heavy for my hair .Thanks for Helping !Know of any Good Olive Oil products?
What and how many products can a refinery get from 1 liter of crude oil?
I am interested to find out how many products can be made from a barrel of crude oil, we all know that a barrel consists of 200 metric litrs, but after refining, what is the yield, what do they get out? I ask this because I am told that out of each liter, more than one liter of products is derived.What and how many products can a refinery get from 1 liter of crude oil?
A typical barrel of crude oil, once refined would generally yield the following products:
1. LPG (liquefied petroluem gas)
2. Naphtha (which can be further processed into gasoline)
3. Kerosene /Jet Fuel
4. Gas Oil (Diesel)
5. Residue/Bottoms (Fuel Oil)
The yield from a barrel (or liter) of crude would actually vary depending on what type of crude you are refining. Crude oils from the Middle East yield a different ';slate'; of products when compared to those obtained from the North Sea or US Gulf Coast. Also, the yield is affected by the type of refinery that processes the crude oil. Some refineries may further process the Residue to obtain more Naphtha (gasoline) or Gas Oils (diesel).
However, it is not uncommon for a liter of crude to yield more than a liter of products since numerous refining processes result in product expansion (although some processes actually result in contraction). In general, converting residue/bottoms into other products (the process is called conversion or cracking) results in expansion.
A typical barrel of crude oil, once refined would generally yield the following products:
1. LPG (liquefied petroluem gas)
2. Naphtha (which can be further processed into gasoline)
3. Kerosene /Jet Fuel
4. Gas Oil (Diesel)
5. Residue/Bottoms (Fuel Oil)
The yield from a barrel (or liter) of crude would actually vary depending on what type of crude you are refining. Crude oils from the Middle East yield a different ';slate'; of products when compared to those obtained from the North Sea or US Gulf Coast. Also, the yield is affected by the type of refinery that processes the crude oil. Some refineries may further process the Residue to obtain more Naphtha (gasoline) or Gas Oils (diesel).
However, it is not uncommon for a liter of crude to yield more than a liter of products since numerous refining processes result in product expansion (although some processes actually result in contraction). In general, converting residue/bottoms into other products (the process is called conversion or cracking) results in expansion.
Does the Body Shop Tea Tree oil products work well?
I'm thinking of trying the body shops tea tree oil productsfor my acne which is mild. Has this product worked for you and if it hasnt what has been your miracle acne curer? (I've tried proactive,Clean and Clear Advantage,and Neutrogena Products and Biore products and none of them have seemed to do the trick =/ )
Heres the webpage to the tea tree oil products....鈥?/a>Does the Body Shop Tea Tree oil products work well?
I have never tried them but different things work for different people. Just keep your receipt and if they don't work for or return them. That's what I do. Body shop is really good about returns/exchanges.Does the Body Shop Tea Tree oil products work well?
I know that Tea Tree Oil works for A LOT of stuff. It does not smell very good, so I would recommend putting it on at night. But I have used just regular tea tree oil for many burns, irritations, and even infections. It's a good cleaning product as well.
I'm not sure about that product but it's worth a try.
Also, I've heard that products that contain witch hazel can be very good for acne.鈥?/a>tvs
Heres the webpage to the tea tree oil products....鈥?/a>Does the Body Shop Tea Tree oil products work well?
I have never tried them but different things work for different people. Just keep your receipt and if they don't work for or return them. That's what I do. Body shop is really good about returns/exchanges.Does the Body Shop Tea Tree oil products work well?
I know that Tea Tree Oil works for A LOT of stuff. It does not smell very good, so I would recommend putting it on at night. But I have used just regular tea tree oil for many burns, irritations, and even infections. It's a good cleaning product as well.
I'm not sure about that product but it's worth a try.
Also, I've heard that products that contain witch hazel can be very good for acne.鈥?/a>
Need help on the effects of high oil prices on demand and supply of certain products?
X country is currently affected by high oil prices in the global market. By prvidng actual examples, explain why demand and supply for certain products are greatly affected while demand and supply for other products are not affected.Need help on the effects of high oil prices on demand and supply of certain products?
High oil prices will affect some goods more than others.
Consider oil as having two main effects on prices
1) high oil prices lead to higher transport costs (for petrol etc), so products that need to be transported further will be heavily affected by an oil price hike.
2) oil as a manufacturing resource, such as most plastic goods, which are made in part of oil. Naturally, if oil is more expensive, the cost of producing these goods will rise.
Given these premises, goods that are made using oil and/or need transporting will rise in price when oil does. Conversely, those that are not transported as much won't rise (as much).
As for supply and demand, it is this effect that in turn impacts supply and demand, through price. Higher priced products almost always are demanded less (downwards sloping Demand Curve), so those products reliant on oil will be demanded less.
Examples. Plastic bags (oil intensive) will rise in price, and lower in demand if oil prices go up.
Locally eaten organically grown (no oil using machines...) food will not be affected as much.
High oil prices will affect some goods more than others.
Consider oil as having two main effects on prices
1) high oil prices lead to higher transport costs (for petrol etc), so products that need to be transported further will be heavily affected by an oil price hike.
2) oil as a manufacturing resource, such as most plastic goods, which are made in part of oil. Naturally, if oil is more expensive, the cost of producing these goods will rise.
Given these premises, goods that are made using oil and/or need transporting will rise in price when oil does. Conversely, those that are not transported as much won't rise (as much).
As for supply and demand, it is this effect that in turn impacts supply and demand, through price. Higher priced products almost always are demanded less (downwards sloping Demand Curve), so those products reliant on oil will be demanded less.
Examples. Plastic bags (oil intensive) will rise in price, and lower in demand if oil prices go up.
Locally eaten organically grown (no oil using machines...) food will not be affected as much.
If you have acn prone skin should you look for oil control skin care products or oil absorbing products?
i use apple cidar vineger diluted with water on a cotton ball,salycid acid by neutrogena (color is orange ). if that doesnt work, see a physician and get retin a creamIf you have acn prone skin should you look for oil control skin care products or oil absorbing products?
first things first. are you oily? and if so, then how soon after washing your face do you notice oil?
second, what facial cleanser are you using, are you exfoliating, are you using a toner, and lastly...even though you are an oily skin type you still need moisture, and for that i recomend using an oil control moisturizer that also has either an AHA or BHA acid in it (keep away from eyes, though it wont exactly cause harm) so as to offer continuous exfoliation throughout the day.
any other questions about details and what not, let me know.
acne sucks, but once you figure it out, its just maintenance.If you have acn prone skin should you look for oil control skin care products or oil absorbing products?
Well i use the acne treatment from a great natural skin care product. It's called Revitol Natural Skin Care. It has almost completely got rid of my acne and ive only been using it for 2 weeks. You can buy it or just check out what it had to offer online at
They have a money back guarantee on all products too, so even if it doesn't work you can just send it back and get you money back. Believe me it will work for you, im not the only person i know that use it.
look for acne products! and if you wear foundation be sure to get neutrogena skin clearing foundation because it doesnt clog your pores and it fights against acne!
first things first. are you oily? and if so, then how soon after washing your face do you notice oil?
second, what facial cleanser are you using, are you exfoliating, are you using a toner, and lastly...even though you are an oily skin type you still need moisture, and for that i recomend using an oil control moisturizer that also has either an AHA or BHA acid in it (keep away from eyes, though it wont exactly cause harm) so as to offer continuous exfoliation throughout the day.
any other questions about details and what not, let me know.
acne sucks, but once you figure it out, its just maintenance.If you have acn prone skin should you look for oil control skin care products or oil absorbing products?
Well i use the acne treatment from a great natural skin care product. It's called Revitol Natural Skin Care. It has almost completely got rid of my acne and ive only been using it for 2 weeks. You can buy it or just check out what it had to offer online at
They have a money back guarantee on all products too, so even if it doesn't work you can just send it back and get you money back. Believe me it will work for you, im not the only person i know that use it.
look for acne products! and if you wear foundation be sure to get neutrogena skin clearing foundation because it doesnt clog your pores and it fights against acne!
What products are out there to help cure walls covered with oil based paint?
My house was built in the 60's and the first owner painted the kitchen walls with a high gloss, oil based paint. The next owner could only wallpaper because all other paints peel right off. I am ready to pull the wallpaper, but would like to be able to paint the walls. They are drywall. What do I need to do once all the wallpaper is removed to cure the walls for priming and painting? Serious answers only please.What products are out there to help cure walls covered with oil based paint?
This is an easy one... Follow these steps to be able to paint over what is there... this is the ONLY way to make paint stick to it:
1. Wash the walls with liquid TSP. Use the liquid instead of the powder as it's easier to mix, isn't toxic and won't need to be rinsed off. You'll find it at any good home hardware or paint store. TSP will remove ALL grease, grime and any other dirt.
2. Prime the wall with an OIL BASED primer. I suggest either Bull's Eye 1-2-3 or Kilz. If you don't prime with oil based primer, that's why the other paints come right off. You can't paint on top of oil paint with a latex paint or primer.
3. Let the primer dry completely.
4. Paint away to your heart's content. And yes, you can now use latex paint without it peeling, chipping or scratching off.
The secret is the oil-based primer... It will stick to the oil paint. And latex paint will stick to the oil based PRIMER (not oil paint).
Enjoy painting!What products are out there to help cure walls covered with oil based paint?
You're more than welcome for the extra info! Don't worry, you're project will go well if you follow the steps I mentioned. It's how I work and I have a reputation to protect... after all, I'm on a mission to help people ReDesign their space... whatever it is! Report Abuse
This is an easy one... Follow these steps to be able to paint over what is there... this is the ONLY way to make paint stick to it:
1. Wash the walls with liquid TSP. Use the liquid instead of the powder as it's easier to mix, isn't toxic and won't need to be rinsed off. You'll find it at any good home hardware or paint store. TSP will remove ALL grease, grime and any other dirt.
2. Prime the wall with an OIL BASED primer. I suggest either Bull's Eye 1-2-3 or Kilz. If you don't prime with oil based primer, that's why the other paints come right off. You can't paint on top of oil paint with a latex paint or primer.
3. Let the primer dry completely.
4. Paint away to your heart's content. And yes, you can now use latex paint without it peeling, chipping or scratching off.
The secret is the oil-based primer... It will stick to the oil paint. And latex paint will stick to the oil based PRIMER (not oil paint).
Enjoy painting!What products are out there to help cure walls covered with oil based paint?
You're more than welcome for the extra info! Don't worry, you're project will go well if you follow the steps I mentioned. It's how I work and I have a reputation to protect... after all, I'm on a mission to help people ReDesign their space... whatever it is! Report Abuse
What products work to get rid of alot of oil in skin?
also, i break out like right in between my eyebrows, its nothing bad but i just want to get rid of it!What products work to get rid of alot of oil in skin?
This is what I suggest:
Mix baking soda and witch hazel/or water together until it comes to a good constancy, and then spread on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. these two things are very inexpensive and it's very easy to do since there is only two ingredients.
Toothpaste is good for drying out your pimple (for some people). Put only a little bit before you go to sleep. Some people use this as a mask but DON鈥楾 EVER DO THIS! It can change your skin tone and make your face discolored.
Aloe vera helps scars lighten and less noticeable (lemon, cocoa butter, witch hazel, and tea tree oil do the same thing). Use the gel (of the aloe plant) or the real thing.
Try to buy a cleanser that works for you, and when you wash your face, open your pores with hot water (not too hot, or it will dry out your skin) and massage it gently into your skin. Then, use cold water at the end to close you pores. The smaller your pores are, the less likely you're prone to pimples. Clearasil, Neutrogena, and proactive are good choices to start if you want a cleanser. Don't use body soaps because they dry out your skin. Don't scrub too hard either, because it can irritate your skin.
An egg yoke can be used to make you pores smaller. I used this when I had pimples. Just take the egg yolk (the yellow part) and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water and then splash your face with cold water.
Keep your hair out of your face because the oils in your hair could go into your pores. Change you sheets because they're are trapped with dirt, oils, etc.
Zinc (type of vitamin) is the one of the best things you can use to get rid of pimples. You can buy these almost about any large store (such as Wal-Mart or Shaws.) Have one tablet per day and try to cut down the junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water and don't pop you acne. Popping acne can lead to acne scars.
If you have sensitive skin, don't use make up. Some of the things in make up can clog your pores and cause pimples. Keep your hands out of your face as much as you can because you hands a full of bacteria and oils.What products work to get rid of alot of oil in skin?
Try an anstrigent. It not only helps to clean that off, it tightens the pores which minimizes the oil from collecting on the skin.
Try a low alcohol or alcohol free though. If the alcohol is too much (this would be the first ingredient listed if there is alot) then the body would try to possibly make more oil then.
Believe it or not there is a product called SIZE ZERO.
Ironic name, right?
The reason for this is DRs were trying to develop a vitamin for ladies for hair and nails. They came out with luxious lashes!....wonderful SKIN, long beautiful nails and lost 5 to 7 pounds...a BONUS!!! lol...thus the name SIZE ZERO!
You can get it at and its not too $$$, about $29.00 a month. My daughter has BEAUTIFUL HAIR and ended up losing 17 pounds in 22 days. LOL!!!
clean and clear works really well! try the daily cleansner. here's the link:鈥?/a>
you could also find it at your local drugstore.
try clean and clear morning burst. i usually dont recommend clean and clear because it's crappy but the morning burst actually works! :/
Morning Burst face wash works really well and also if you just ash your face like every time it gets oily for one day than that normally makes my face not get oily for atleast a week.
An oily skin , as the name implies, is one in which the sebaceous or oil-producing glands are over active. As surface grease tends to attract dirt, an oily skin acquires a dirty surface film , that needs to be removed daily. For more details log to
This is what I suggest:
Mix baking soda and witch hazel/or water together until it comes to a good constancy, and then spread on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. these two things are very inexpensive and it's very easy to do since there is only two ingredients.
Toothpaste is good for drying out your pimple (for some people). Put only a little bit before you go to sleep. Some people use this as a mask but DON鈥楾 EVER DO THIS! It can change your skin tone and make your face discolored.
Aloe vera helps scars lighten and less noticeable (lemon, cocoa butter, witch hazel, and tea tree oil do the same thing). Use the gel (of the aloe plant) or the real thing.
Try to buy a cleanser that works for you, and when you wash your face, open your pores with hot water (not too hot, or it will dry out your skin) and massage it gently into your skin. Then, use cold water at the end to close you pores. The smaller your pores are, the less likely you're prone to pimples. Clearasil, Neutrogena, and proactive are good choices to start if you want a cleanser. Don't use body soaps because they dry out your skin. Don't scrub too hard either, because it can irritate your skin.
An egg yoke can be used to make you pores smaller. I used this when I had pimples. Just take the egg yolk (the yellow part) and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water and then splash your face with cold water.
Keep your hair out of your face because the oils in your hair could go into your pores. Change you sheets because they're are trapped with dirt, oils, etc.
Zinc (type of vitamin) is the one of the best things you can use to get rid of pimples. You can buy these almost about any large store (such as Wal-Mart or Shaws.) Have one tablet per day and try to cut down the junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water and don't pop you acne. Popping acne can lead to acne scars.
If you have sensitive skin, don't use make up. Some of the things in make up can clog your pores and cause pimples. Keep your hands out of your face as much as you can because you hands a full of bacteria and oils.What products work to get rid of alot of oil in skin?
Try an anstrigent. It not only helps to clean that off, it tightens the pores which minimizes the oil from collecting on the skin.
Try a low alcohol or alcohol free though. If the alcohol is too much (this would be the first ingredient listed if there is alot) then the body would try to possibly make more oil then.
Believe it or not there is a product called SIZE ZERO.
Ironic name, right?
The reason for this is DRs were trying to develop a vitamin for ladies for hair and nails. They came out with luxious lashes!....wonderful SKIN, long beautiful nails and lost 5 to 7 pounds...a BONUS!!! lol...thus the name SIZE ZERO!
You can get it at and its not too $$$, about $29.00 a month. My daughter has BEAUTIFUL HAIR and ended up losing 17 pounds in 22 days. LOL!!!
clean and clear works really well! try the daily cleansner. here's the link:鈥?/a>
you could also find it at your local drugstore.
try clean and clear morning burst. i usually dont recommend clean and clear because it's crappy but the morning burst actually works! :/
Morning Burst face wash works really well and also if you just ash your face like every time it gets oily for one day than that normally makes my face not get oily for atleast a week.
An oily skin , as the name implies, is one in which the sebaceous or oil-producing glands are over active. As surface grease tends to attract dirt, an oily skin acquires a dirty surface film , that needs to be removed daily. For more details log to
Where can I buy treatex products (hardwax oil) from?
The website tells me I have to contact treatex to obtain a stockists list and they're not there at the weekend and I've been searching online for ages and I can't find any reference to stockists. I'd love to find somewhere near crewe in cheshire that sells it but if anyone knows how I could get it online either I'd be really grateful, thanks.Where can I buy treatex products (hardwax oil) from?
Stockist near Crewe:
J. T. Shakespeare %26amp; Co. Ltd.
Hot Lane, Burslem, Stoke on Trent, ST6 2BN.
Telephone Number: 0800 0929311
Can be bought online here:
Stockist near Crewe:
J. T. Shakespeare %26amp; Co. Ltd.
Hot Lane, Burslem, Stoke on Trent, ST6 2BN.
Telephone Number: 0800 0929311
Can be bought online here:
Why are some people allergic to peanuts or peanut oil or other peanut products?
Because their immune system has been ';sensitized'; to peanuts. Why this happens is unknown, but if you figure it out (and can prove you are correct to the scientific community, you may get a Nobel Prize!).
Best wishes and good luck.Why are some people allergic to peanuts or peanut oil or other peanut products?
I'd love to know because recently I have become allergic to
Best wishes and good luck.Why are some people allergic to peanuts or peanut oil or other peanut products?
I'd love to know because recently I have become allergic to peanuts..
What Auto Parts Stores In Los Angeles County Sell Engine Oil Fluorescent Leak Detecting Dye Products?
you can find all types of leak detecting kits at
Triple A Tool Company
2172 w 190th st
Torrance,CA 90504
Triple A Tool Company
2172 w 190th st
Torrance,CA 90504
Which products from the Body Shop tea tree oil line should I purchase, if any?
I'm thinking of buying the tea tree oil line from the Body Shop, but I'm not sure what products to purchase. There is a gel cleanser and a foam cleanser, which is better? Should I get the toner, the scrub, moisturizer, the night lotion? Which products are most important to include in a skin clearing regimen? Help, please?Which products from the Body Shop tea tree oil line should I purchase, if any?
I have the foaming facial cleanser, the mask, the night moisturiser, the day moisturiser and the toner. They all work really well, my skin got heaps clearer and softer.. I would probably get their thing for specific spots as well (like if you get an occasional big blemish..), but I didn't need it.
I use a different exfoliator, an Apri one but that's up to you.Which products from the Body Shop tea tree oil line should I purchase, if any?
;)) ;)) ;))
I have the foaming facial cleanser, the mask, the night moisturiser, the day moisturiser and the toner. They all work really well, my skin got heaps clearer and softer.. I would probably get their thing for specific spots as well (like if you get an occasional big blemish..), but I didn't need it.
I use a different exfoliator, an Apri one but that's up to you.Which products from the Body Shop tea tree oil line should I purchase, if any?
;)) ;)) ;))
My cousin has EXTREMELY oily hair , what products will remove oil the best?
Her hair is soo oily that it looks like it is wet
and it is stuck in thick strandsMy cousin has EXTREMELY oily hair , what products will remove oil the best?
1. She should use a clarifying shampoo like Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo for Normal to Oily Hair.
2. Also, she should use her fingers to massage shampoo into her scalp ONLY, not to the lengths and ends (don't worry, it'll clean the rest of the hair just fine as she rinses). If the shampoo doesn't foam up on the first application, rinse %26amp; repeat, stopping after the shampoo foams (most likely on the second shampoo).
3. Since she only shampooed the scalp, her lengths and ends should hold just the right amount of moisture, making conditioner unnecessary. Her scalp naturally produces lots of healthy oils so adding more moisture will just contribute to an ';oily'; or ';greasy'; look later on.
4. Finally, tell her not to use any creams, lotions, or other ';moisturizing'; styling products in her hair.
If she does all this, she'll have great looking hair in no time!
~ LilyMy cousin has EXTREMELY oily hair , what products will remove oil the best?
Oh no - dont put baby powder on it. It will take forever to get out. She should try to wash her hair with some Dawn dishwashing detergent -- use no conditioner unless hair is impossible to comb without ( conditioners are often the cause of oily looking hair).
put baby powder in it, it will suck out excess oil.
and it is stuck in thick strandsMy cousin has EXTREMELY oily hair , what products will remove oil the best?
1. She should use a clarifying shampoo like Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo for Normal to Oily Hair.
2. Also, she should use her fingers to massage shampoo into her scalp ONLY, not to the lengths and ends (don't worry, it'll clean the rest of the hair just fine as she rinses). If the shampoo doesn't foam up on the first application, rinse %26amp; repeat, stopping after the shampoo foams (most likely on the second shampoo).
3. Since she only shampooed the scalp, her lengths and ends should hold just the right amount of moisture, making conditioner unnecessary. Her scalp naturally produces lots of healthy oils so adding more moisture will just contribute to an ';oily'; or ';greasy'; look later on.
4. Finally, tell her not to use any creams, lotions, or other ';moisturizing'; styling products in her hair.
If she does all this, she'll have great looking hair in no time!
~ LilyMy cousin has EXTREMELY oily hair , what products will remove oil the best?
Oh no - dont put baby powder on it. It will take forever to get out. She should try to wash her hair with some Dawn dishwashing detergent -- use no conditioner unless hair is impossible to comb without ( conditioners are often the cause of oily looking hair).
put baby powder in it, it will suck out excess oil.
Can a 9 month old drink/eat products with fish oil in them? or do they classify that as eating seafood?
i dont want her to get an allergy to seafood so we are not feeding her fish for about two years, but is fish ';oil'; ok you think?Can a 9 month old drink/eat products with fish oil in them? or do they classify that as eating seafood?
Actually, fish is good to introduce between 8-12 months. Just avoid those that are high in mercury (tile fish, mackerel, sword fish, shark and tuna). Fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.Can a 9 month old drink/eat products with fish oil in them? or do they classify that as eating seafood?
Well me and my husband would actually give our son fish oil on purpose. It is supposed to help brain development. The doctor thought this was a great idea and our son is most certainly not allergic to seafood. I have never heard of not feeding a child seafood for 2 years to prevent an allergy. It seems to me that it could have the reverse effect, like why we have so many kids with allergies today because there body is not being exposed to as much dirt as they used to and our staying indoors playing video games instead of outside in the pollen getting their bodies the natural immunity. I am not a doctor but I do not see any reason for you to not give your child and seafood for 2 years and I def. don't see how fish oil could do anything ut help. There are so many studies on how good it is for the developing brain!
1) The common allergen is shellfish -not real fish
2) Withholding allergenic foods past 6 months has never been proven to protect against allergies, current evidence suggests it may actually make allergies more likely
3) If you are concerned flax seed oil is a good source but its more expensive and there is some evidence the body just doesn't use it as well as fish.…
he body needs two kinds of fat to manufacture healthy brain cells (the message senders) and prostaglandins (the messengers). These are omega 6 fatty acids (found in many oils, such as safflower, sunflower, corn, and sesame oils) and omega 3 fatty acids (found in flax, pumpkin seeds and walnuts, and coldwater fish, such as salmon and tuna). The foods from which oil can be extracted are generally the foods highest in essential fatty acids.
Most important to brain function are the two essential fatty acids, linoleic (or omega 6) and alpha linolenic (or omega 3). These are the prime structural components of brain cell membranes and are also an important part of the enzymes within cell membranes that allow the membranes to transport valuable nutrients in and out of the cells.
Western diets contain too much of the omega 6 fatty acids and too little of the omega 3's. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in ground flax seeds and flaxseed oil, coldwater fish (primarily salmon and tuna), canola oil, soybeans, walnuts, wheatgerm, pumpkin seeds, and eggs.…
Consuming peanuts in infancy appears to lessen, not increase, a child’s risk of developing a peanut allergy later, British researchers report in the November Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
The findings clash with some pediatric practices of the past decade, in which parents have been told to avoid feeding peanut products to their infants. In contrast, the new study suggests that early exposure by eating peanuts — in the form of peanut butter — might induce tolerance and head off the aberrant immune response that underlies an allergic reaction.
“This work is extremely thought-provoking and raises the possibility that an approach of trying to avoid peanuts may be the wrong thing to do,” says Robert Wood, an immunologist and pediatric allergist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.…
Study: Low prevalence of peanut allergy is associated with early introduction in infancy
November 5, 2008
By Jonathan Gardner
Jewish children in London are significantly more likely than those in Israel to develop a peanut allergy, even though they are introduced to peanut products at a later age, which suggests that current prevention guidelines may need to be revised, according to a study published Oct. 30.
The questionnaire-based study of 8,600 schoolchildren found that children in the United Kingdom were nearly six times as likely as children of similar genetic background in Israel to develop a …
FIsh oil is one of the best things a growing human can have. I don't understand why you are waiting to introduce fish to your child either...
not too sure about ';fish oil';. Our son is 9 1/2 months old. He's had a few tastes of catfish (pond raised) and LOVES IT!
Actually, fish is good to introduce between 8-12 months. Just avoid those that are high in mercury (tile fish, mackerel, sword fish, shark and tuna). Fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.Can a 9 month old drink/eat products with fish oil in them? or do they classify that as eating seafood?
Well me and my husband would actually give our son fish oil on purpose. It is supposed to help brain development. The doctor thought this was a great idea and our son is most certainly not allergic to seafood. I have never heard of not feeding a child seafood for 2 years to prevent an allergy. It seems to me that it could have the reverse effect, like why we have so many kids with allergies today because there body is not being exposed to as much dirt as they used to and our staying indoors playing video games instead of outside in the pollen getting their bodies the natural immunity. I am not a doctor but I do not see any reason for you to not give your child and seafood for 2 years and I def. don't see how fish oil could do anything ut help. There are so many studies on how good it is for the developing brain!
1) The common allergen is shellfish -not real fish
2) Withholding allergenic foods past 6 months has never been proven to protect against allergies, current evidence suggests it may actually make allergies more likely
3) If you are concerned flax seed oil is a good source but its more expensive and there is some evidence the body just doesn't use it as well as fish.…
he body needs two kinds of fat to manufacture healthy brain cells (the message senders) and prostaglandins (the messengers). These are omega 6 fatty acids (found in many oils, such as safflower, sunflower, corn, and sesame oils) and omega 3 fatty acids (found in flax, pumpkin seeds and walnuts, and coldwater fish, such as salmon and tuna). The foods from which oil can be extracted are generally the foods highest in essential fatty acids.
Most important to brain function are the two essential fatty acids, linoleic (or omega 6) and alpha linolenic (or omega 3). These are the prime structural components of brain cell membranes and are also an important part of the enzymes within cell membranes that allow the membranes to transport valuable nutrients in and out of the cells.
Western diets contain too much of the omega 6 fatty acids and too little of the omega 3's. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in ground flax seeds and flaxseed oil, coldwater fish (primarily salmon and tuna), canola oil, soybeans, walnuts, wheatgerm, pumpkin seeds, and eggs.…
Consuming peanuts in infancy appears to lessen, not increase, a child’s risk of developing a peanut allergy later, British researchers report in the November Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
The findings clash with some pediatric practices of the past decade, in which parents have been told to avoid feeding peanut products to their infants. In contrast, the new study suggests that early exposure by eating peanuts — in the form of peanut butter — might induce tolerance and head off the aberrant immune response that underlies an allergic reaction.
“This work is extremely thought-provoking and raises the possibility that an approach of trying to avoid peanuts may be the wrong thing to do,” says Robert Wood, an immunologist and pediatric allergist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.…
Study: Low prevalence of peanut allergy is associated with early introduction in infancy
November 5, 2008
By Jonathan Gardner
Jewish children in London are significantly more likely than those in Israel to develop a peanut allergy, even though they are introduced to peanut products at a later age, which suggests that current prevention guidelines may need to be revised, according to a study published Oct. 30.
The questionnaire-based study of 8,600 schoolchildren found that children in the United Kingdom were nearly six times as likely as children of similar genetic background in Israel to develop a …
FIsh oil is one of the best things a growing human can have. I don't understand why you are waiting to introduce fish to your child either...
not too sure about ';fish oil';. Our son is 9 1/2 months old. He's had a few tastes of catfish (pond raised) and LOVES IT!
Hi~Who will buy my products of china patting or oil patting?
I need telephone and address.Hi~Who will buy my products of china patting or oil patting?
this is not a good forum for this type of question
this is not a good forum for this type of question
What other products are banned in Europe, besides hydrogenated oil?
Is hfcs and msg also banned?What other products are banned in Europe, besides hydrogenated oil?
If HFCs stands for hydrofluorocarbons, used as an alternative to ozone damaging CFCs in refrigeration systems, then I don't think they are.
And if msg is monosodium glutamate in food and drugs, unfortunately I don't think it's banned either. Some food%26amp;drug chains/supermarket groups have strong recommendations against it, such as the Co-op, which has it removed from their brand products:鈥?/a>What other products are banned in Europe, besides hydrogenated oil?
bleached flour is banned.
What is hfcs and msg? Care to explain what the abbreviations stand for? (It is not very nice to ask questions of non-native speakers of English and not be very clear what you mean.)
i don't know for europe, but in france hfc is banned for a very long time !tvs
If HFCs stands for hydrofluorocarbons, used as an alternative to ozone damaging CFCs in refrigeration systems, then I don't think they are.
And if msg is monosodium glutamate in food and drugs, unfortunately I don't think it's banned either. Some food%26amp;drug chains/supermarket groups have strong recommendations against it, such as the Co-op, which has it removed from their brand products:鈥?/a>What other products are banned in Europe, besides hydrogenated oil?
bleached flour is banned.
What is hfcs and msg? Care to explain what the abbreviations stand for? (It is not very nice to ask questions of non-native speakers of English and not be very clear what you mean.)
i don't know for europe, but in france hfc is banned for a very long time !
Does himalaya anti dandruff oil work or anybody suggest herbal products for dandruff?
i am planning to buy anti dandruff oil to get rid of dandruff.. using herbal productsDoes himalaya anti dandruff oil work or anybody suggest herbal products for dandruff?
As everyone pointed out coconut oil should be a good idea. but use Head and Shoulder anti dandruff shampoo. its really effective. i had dandruff and i use it. gud luck.Does himalaya anti dandruff oil work or anybody suggest herbal products for dandruff?
i have shahnaz products for sale from india (indian pack)
BRAND NEW ..............................鈥?br>
24 carat gold kit
oxygen kit
diamond kit Report Abuse
I've heard that tea tree oil can be effective. You could also try looking at The Mayo Clinic's website about dandruff. I've used their site for other ailments, and it's helped a lot. Especially check the tab labeled ';treatments and drugs'; or search the internet for herbal dandruff remedies.
Good luck!
I don't have any idea if himalaya is any good.
there is another oil JAPAKSUM.
you need to apply it every night for 15 days. it will reduce the dandruff.
while washing your hair, add juice of one whole lemon in the water.
use this water to rinse your hair.
you will need to do this at least 5-6 times.
well i ll suggest you to try black venegar 45 minutes before washing your hairs......twice a week for first 2 weeks....and see the results.
Use coconut oil
Use Coconut oil
add camphor cubes to the coconut oil and mix it properly and apply on the scalp
use head n shoulders shampoo.... in 2nd wash dandroff ll no more... but don use it regularly..
As everyone pointed out coconut oil should be a good idea. but use Head and Shoulder anti dandruff shampoo. its really effective. i had dandruff and i use it. gud luck.Does himalaya anti dandruff oil work or anybody suggest herbal products for dandruff?
i have shahnaz products for sale from india (indian pack)
BRAND NEW ..............................鈥?br>
24 carat gold kit
oxygen kit
diamond kit Report Abuse
I've heard that tea tree oil can be effective. You could also try looking at The Mayo Clinic's website about dandruff. I've used their site for other ailments, and it's helped a lot. Especially check the tab labeled ';treatments and drugs'; or search the internet for herbal dandruff remedies.
Good luck!
I don't have any idea if himalaya is any good.
there is another oil JAPAKSUM.
you need to apply it every night for 15 days. it will reduce the dandruff.
while washing your hair, add juice of one whole lemon in the water.
use this water to rinse your hair.
you will need to do this at least 5-6 times.
well i ll suggest you to try black venegar 45 minutes before washing your hairs......twice a week for first 2 weeks....and see the results.
Use coconut oil
Use Coconut oil
add camphor cubes to the coconut oil and mix it properly and apply on the scalp
use head n shoulders shampoo.... in 2nd wash dandroff ll no more... but don use it regularly..
Is there a list of jobs, businesses and products being affected by the high oil & gas prices?
I am doing a report about the affects of the recent high oil and gas prices on our economy. I need a list of the jobs, businesses and products that are being affected.Is there a list of jobs, businesses and products being affected by the high oil %26amp; gas prices?
Almost everything is being affected by the rising price of gas. For example everything requires shipment to pring it from the manufacterer to the consumer and the cost of shipment has gone up. Fertilizer and tilling the land has also gone up.
Almost everything is being affected by the rising price of gas. For example everything requires shipment to pring it from the manufacterer to the consumer and the cost of shipment has gone up. Fertilizer and tilling the land has also gone up.
The prices of oil, gasoline, and other petroleum products, which are key inputs in production, have been decre
The prices of oil, gasoline, and other petroleum products, which are key inputs in production, have been decreasing in recent months. Other things being equal, which of the following is likely to occur in the U.S. economy as a result of the decline in oil prices?
(a) An increase in the unemployment rate.
(b) A decrease in both equilibrium price level and equilibrium real GDP.
(c) A decrease in the equilibrium price level and an increase in equilibrium real GDP.
(d) An increase in both equilibrium price level and equilibrium real GDP.The prices of oil, gasoline, and other petroleum products, which are key inputs in production, have been decre
In relative terms, on an annual argument, WTI is trading at $99 on 11/20, compared to $56 11/20/06. Ouch!
So 'decreasing' is in comparison to what?
But to your question, I'd guess that (c) is the most likely - price levels will come down, and GDP will more than likely see some stimulation, and will increase, due to lower price of inputs.
High 5
(a) An increase in the unemployment rate.
(b) A decrease in both equilibrium price level and equilibrium real GDP.
(c) A decrease in the equilibrium price level and an increase in equilibrium real GDP.
(d) An increase in both equilibrium price level and equilibrium real GDP.The prices of oil, gasoline, and other petroleum products, which are key inputs in production, have been decre
In relative terms, on an annual argument, WTI is trading at $99 on 11/20, compared to $56 11/20/06. Ouch!
So 'decreasing' is in comparison to what?
But to your question, I'd guess that (c) is the most likely - price levels will come down, and GDP will more than likely see some stimulation, and will increase, due to lower price of inputs.
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