Thursday, January 7, 2010

What products besides gas does oil produce?

coffee whitenerWhat products besides gas does oil produce?
Like every single thing imaginable that is in our world...

Everything has been shipped to your house some how.

Most all plastic and most fabrics and dyes, inks, and fertilizers are made of petrol.

Most everything, everyday the average american uses 1-3 gallons of oil everyday...And even the most conservitives use about half a gallon of petrol. So I mean it's just a way of life, and nessesary of modern life, almost like water!What products besides gas does oil produce?
plastic and a thousand other things.
';Types of Refined Petroleum Products


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Refined petroleum products are derived from crude oils through processes such as catalytic cracking and fractional distillation. These products have physical and chemical characteristics that differ according to the type of crude oil and subsequent refining processes. Several examples of refined petroleum products and their properties include:

Gasoline, a lightweight material that flows easily, spreads quickly, and may evaporate completely in a few hours under temperate conditions. It poses a risk of fire and explosion because of its high volatility and flammability, and is more toxic than crude oil. Gasoline is amenable to biodegradation, but the use of dispersants is not appropriate unless the vapors pose a significant human health or safety hazard.

Kerosene, a lightweight material that flows easily, spreads rapidly, and evaporates quickly. Kerosene is easily dispersed, but is also relatively persistent in the environment.

No. 2 Fuel Oil, a lightweight material that flows easily, spreads quickly, and is easily dispersed. This fuel oil is neither volatile nor likely to form emulsions, and is relatively non-persistent in the environment.

No. 4 Fuel Oil, a medium-weight material that flows easily, and is easily dispersed if treated promptly. This fuel oil has a low volatility and moderate flash point, and is fairly persistent in the environment.

No. 5 Fuel Oil (Bunker B), a medium-weight to heavyweight material with a low volatility and moderate flash point. Preheating may be necessary in cold climates, and this fuel oil is difficult, if not impossible, to disperse.

No. 6 Fuel Oil (Bunker C), a heavyweight material that is difficult to pump and requires preheating for use. This fuel oil may be heavier than water, is not likely to dissolve, is difficult or impossible to disperse, and is likely to form tar balls, lumps, and emulsions. It has a low volatility and moderate flash point.

Lubricating Oil, a medium-weight material that flows easily and is easily dispersed if treated promptly. This oil has a low volatility and moderate flash point, but is fairly persistent in the environment.';

These are the fuels, but the refineries also produces LPG and petrochemical feedstocks by taking out certain cuts that don't go into fuel blending. Use of crude for fuel is economcally the least valued products obtained from the crudes that are processed!

Google';refined petroleum products';if you want to explore and expand your understanding what we do with petroleum.
used in plastics

used in rubbers

tar for roads

engine oils

transmission fluids


nail polish

paint remover

etc etc
Pretty much everything. If it isn't in it, the machines used to make it, store, pack or ship it all use petroleum.

Lets look at say food %26amp; water. . Steaks %26amp; lettuce use it? Yep! Next trip to the supermarket check out the freeze foam that t-bone sits in and the clear plastic wrap that packages and seals it.. Yep - all utilize petroleum. Pay for them at the check out counter who will put them in a.paper or plastic bag for you to take home. Eat both and wash it down with mineral water from a plastic bottle and when finished, discard the leftovers in a'; Plastic trash Bag!';

Good luck shipping,storing or transporting anything today from computers to fried chicken without some kind of foam, plastic or petroleum based product around it.
plastics are petroleum based products

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